
Goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and go




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-20-2022, 03:00 AM

The woman got angry. Lucette hadn’t expected such a reaction, but as Eden told the tale of the pirate’s side of thing Lucette started to feel silly. Maybe she really was too trusting of everyone from the get-go. This man, Azure, didn’t sound very pleasant at all. Her shock showed on her face and in her eyes, mingling with a look of disgust. Who would attack a pregnant woman? Even maim her? Then when her allies came, trying to defend her and the territory maimed them as well? Lucette could feel her stomach churning and even Ink was silent, the kodkod’s eyes widened.

“Divinities above…” Lucette drew in a breath. He sounded just… plain evil. If he had done these things against the pack for what their alpha did then wasn’t he the bad one too? Sure the woman shouldn’t have kidnapped his mate but to do all that in revenge? That wasn’t the way! She shook her head bitterly, seeming to become angry that he’d fooled her with cool words and acting justified. The fur on the back of her neck rose and she scoffed. “I don’t blame you for being angry,” She began. “Any man that would attack a pregnant woman and physically harm her should be damned by Nox himself! And children too!” There was a look of disgust on her face.

“He didn’t even do it to get his mate back but for revenge?! It should have been between the two of them.” Her gaze narrowed. “Makes me wonder what other lies he’s spewed from his maw…” Ink pressed again Lucy sympathetically.

“The way he spoke to Lucy seemed… I don’t know how to put it. It was calm, yet patient the time I was there with them meeting. She had met him once before though.”

Lucette gave a nod of confirmation.

“He tried to warn me that living in the range was dangerous, and yet, despite his “warnings” I’d never seen a pirate before today. And no offense, Eden, but you don’t strike me as dangerous at all. Nor do you give the impression you have anything to gain by lying about what happened.” Lucy’s tail lashed back and forth.

“I’ll be avoiding him in the future. There are enough problems at paw to worry about without dealing with a liar on top of them.” She frowned. “Well, maybe not necessarily a liar… but he twisted the truth to make it look like your pack was the bad guys alone. He left out the part about kicking kids across the beach and maiming a pregnant woman.” And Lucy didn't like that, at all.

“Your alpha… was she treated? I’m not as good a healer as my dad but if she needs help I’d be willing.” Her gaze softened with worry not. “And the pups, are they… okay?” She asked that question quietly as if fearing the answer.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.