
Where Do Your Demons Hide?



10-11-2013, 06:09 PM

She had been very reluctant to go to this training but knew she needed it. If the pups were in her charge she would need to be able to defend them. She thought of her den, it was the farthest to the northern boarder of Valhalla. She could keep the pups there till it was safe and they would be able to have a very good head start should they need to run. And if they needed to run they would go as far south before turning to head to Seracia, their allies. She mentally mapped it out, hoping it would work. She should ask Syrinx to spare one warrior to help her if she needed it.

White tipped paws trudged to the meeting and at once her normally warm calm blue eyes sparked with livid fire. With a snarl she rushed in towards Syrinx. She gently placed herself between him and the pups, hackles raised. Never before had she shown such anger."Why the hell are the pups training!? Syrinx they are to be left out of this! They are far to young for this! If they need basic defensive skills i will train them! They are under my charge while this war is upon us!" She snapped. Pups should never go through such a thing till the reached a year old at most. She had seen what happened to those trained for battle at too young an age. She glanced at the pups with a sigh. Looking back at Syrinx she calmed down and angeled her ears to indicate she wished to speak with him in private."Syrinx, i mean you no disrespect. I do agree that we must deal with Glaciem at once. But..i have seen pups trained to young and what it has done to them. They become war machines and die to young. And that sadly is saying it as kindly as i can." She shivered for a moment at the memories of her former pack. "I do wish to learn to fight more. I will be their protector as Den mother. And i will willingly give my life for them without a doubt. But if something happens and Glaciem is here..i will need help getting all the pups away to safetly. Might i request a warrior. Just one." She added softly. She glanced back at the others, eyes meeting Alsander's. She knew he was related to her mate and had instantly liked him before even fully meeting him."I would like to sparr with Alsander or you." She added. Sky blue eyes returned to Syrinx full of burning determination. Every word she spoke came from deep within. She would give anything to protect the pups. She would not fail this time.
