
Goin' and goin' and goin' and goin' and go




Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-21-2022, 01:22 AM

Eden clarified, thankfully. Maybe the Lamb’s Ear had gotten too wet for the amount she was using? She supposed that depending on the amount of wetness it could become over-hydrated and become slick like that. Done properly it would cover the wound and wouldn’t need more placed over it then? Sticking even when it was wet to help clean and treat the wound. The yearling gave a couple of nods. It seemed like it would be a lifesaver with Bae-Syl especially. Then maybe she could treat him without worrying about the wound getting infected at all. That would be a relief… she hated having to restrict him from leaving the den.

Lucette focused on the sketch as Eden drew it. A flower with three white petals, huh? Sounded like a strange number, but she started at the picture for a long moment, burning it into her memory. As well as the information about echinacea and thyme too. Thyme seemed like it would be the best bet if there was a sign of infection as long as she caught it early. She breathed out a little. “Thank you so much, Eden.” She lifted her gaze to the pregnant healer.

“Knowing about Thyme’s other use is a relief… I… my bestie got hurt a little while back. He’s not fully healed from it but he was trying to take down a bison calf by himself. Well, he did, but the mother got him. He was lucky he wasn’t gored.” She lowered her ears. “I used the lamb’s ear on it at first after cleaning it… It wasn’t the best herb for the job at all, but I was desperate. I didn’t want to risk it becoming infected…” The whole ordeal had scared her. It still did. “I’d… never felt so frustrated with my lack of healing knowledge before. I was scared for him… then we both ended up sick from the storm… thankfully my mom and dad came by to check on us and got us back on our feet.” Lucy’s brow furrowed again.

“I had no idea what to do if it got infected… I… was scared I could lose him. I’d never been worried about death or anything like that before but… the thought it’d be just me, instead of the two of us…” She gave a sad smile. “A-nyway… Thank you so much, Eden. You’ve been an amazing help.” Her words were sincere. “Maybe we can meet again sometime? If you’re willing to give me another lesson that is.” It wasn’t often she ran into another healer, let alone one so kind. She liked Eden. Maybe they could be friends? Was it weird being friends with an adult?


Received a healing lesson from another character (Eden) - 3 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'