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[Pack Challenge]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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7 Years
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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
08-21-2022, 01:28 AM

A cackle bubbling deep in her own throat and the corners of her lips twisted into a subtle smile as the fight raged on. Recluse had really gone and fucked up now, hadn’t she? She had earned the ire of the wrong wolf, and now she was to pay with blood, battle, and the possibility of getting her crown ripped off her head. The very crown the albino bitch didn’t deserve for any reason whatsoever. Not in Medusa’s head, anyway. Habari was a joke. For the number of wolves that were in the pack, they couldn’t even keep one single slave tethered down to keep her from doing whatever she wanted. She didn’t regret any of her escapades, but the only thing she did regret was coming back after each venture. She was sure that if she had just left and not come back, they probably wouldn’t have even noticed her missing until she came back around to do exactly this! It was a shame, really. Habari consisted of nearly nothing but Recluse’s kids. Which in turn, brought Medusa to only know her as nothing more than a babymaking whore (even though she was married to Medusa’s knowledge) and that’s all she would be known for. To Medusa, anyway.

So far, she’d been doing well enough with her swiftness to keep mostly out of harm's way. She didn’t know if it was because of all the improvement she’d made, or Recluse’s blindness in the daytime, but whatever the case, it was saving her ass from getting mauled worse than it probably could’ve been so far. She had learned to adapt to many different fights, getting better and learning from each and every one. She often didn’t fight like most with their more traditional styles…no. The feral woman was a wildcard. Her moves were often risky, and she knew that by staying near Recluse’s head while still attempting to stay out of reach was a risk in itself. Especially by trying to grapple her.

Medusa’s right foreleg had managed to wrap over the top of Recluse’s neck, her left foreleg, however, was not so lucky. Recluse had tucked her head too much, which really, was all she had mostly done so far. Like a turtle. Medusa couldn’t help but bubble with laughter in her throat as she imagined it. Instead, Medusa’s left foreleg had come upon Recluse’s chin, and where she expected a bite to come of it, she was instead met with…a lick? While it was surprising, to say the least, Medusa only had a heartbeat to think about how odd it was. That was something expected of her, not the Habari alpha.. But hey, if she wanted to eat dirt, all she had to do was ask! Still, it didn’t affect her whatsoever in terms of weirding her out. It did cause her to pull her own left foreleg back and against her own chest in preparation for her next move, however. The tongue lick sped that decision along before Recluse did decide to bite. There was nothing that disgusted the girl, after all, she dug up dead people for their bones and ate rotten things when she was younger for christ's sake! (and maybe she still did! So what, was that a crime!?).

While she hadn’t managed to knock over the Habari alpha or send her careening to the ground thanks to her opponent planting herself firmly in place, that was fine. Medusa’s teeth, at least, would meet flesh. At least a little. She wouldn’t get the grip or the lacerating, face mangling damage she had hoped for since Recluse ripped her head away from her, but at least the albino whore would know that Medusa wasn’t here to play around, unlike her who seemed to treat this as a game with her strange leg licking.

Medusa would, of course, keep her defenses in place. Her hackles remained raised along her spine, ears pinned to her skull, eyes narrowed, tail flagged out to aid with her balance with the toes of her hind limbs spread equidistant apart over the ground and her claws biting the earth to keep her hold on it. Teeth were bared, ready and waiting for the next strike, chin tucked close to her throat so as not to leave it open for attack.

As Recluse tore her head away, Medusa would manage to keep herself at the ready. Sort of accidentally. So when Recluse aimed to bite her face, Medusa offered her left forelimb instead. With Medusa’s positioning and still standing on her rear legs, it was the best thing she could think of at the moment. It was definitely mostly out of reaction to block her face, and Recluse would bite down on the limb instead. Medusa snarled as Recluse’s teeth closed around the middle of her left foreleg. Though with the smaller target (as opposed to Medusa’s face), Recluse’s viper fangs would simply slice moderate cuts across her skin. Blood was drawn, and moderate puncture marks on the back of her foreleg would be a result of Recluse’s bottom fangs, but Medusa was 100% willing to let her leg take the hit so that her teeth would still be free for one last ditch effort attempt.

This would be the moment where Recluse would seek to try and rise as well, aiming her own attempt to grapple the taller Medusa. Medusa had only a moment to decide to abandon the half hold she had on Recluse with her right foreleg. After all, there was no use keeping her leg there since she had practically failed in her grapple, right? And with Recluse rising up, it only helped the skeleton woman withdraw her limb even faster, so Medusa withdrew her right forelimb, letting it slide off of Recluse and nearly tucking it to her own body same as she had previously done with her left forelimb before she had shoved it into Recluse’s mouth.

She withdrew a step, taking a small step back with her left hind foot and slightly readjusting her balance as Recluse’s forelimb aimed to wrap around the back of her neck, but proximity aside, Medusa was still taller than Recluse and the albino bitches paw would slide harmlessly off of her like water on a duck. That, and considering that Medusa’s hind legs had spread equidistant apart, Recluse would be unable to topple her. Much less when she was helping keep Medusa a little more steady, so to speak.

In the brief moment she lifted her left hind foot, Recluse’s snake companion’s assault would fall short, its fangs barely scraping Medusa’s outer toe and nail, tickling the skeletal woman, and leaving nothing but a graze (that honestly, Medusa thought was a blade of grass or a pebble even), though when her left foot moved to replant onto the ground, the snake was likely to get squished if it didn’t move. Medusa was unaware of the reptilian creature, however, as she was focused on her main target.

With a wicked smile, Medusa decided this was it. This joke of a fight that Recluse offered her was more insulting than anything so far, and she was gonna learn today! Without a second thought, Medusa sought to barrel down on her opponent. Though her left forelimb was caught up in teeth, her right forelimb was free to do what she wished. She struck it out at the left side of Recluse’s face, seeking to bring her claws down over the fresh wounds she had previously made with her teeth over Recluse’s left eye and worsen the damage (or really, really make it burn with irritation) as she aimed to throw her weight into it. A bitch slap, if you will.

Lastly, her head would lunge forward and slightly to her left, teeth like heat-seeking missiles as she aimed for Recluse’s left ear. She aimed to get the whole damn thing in her mouth, almost as if she were going to eat it. The top of her jaw sought to come over it, and the bottom jaw sought to grab the inner part of the ear just slightly above where the ear connected to the bitches head, teeth looking to pierce and puncture before Medusa sought to rip her head away towards her right, and hopefully, the ear would painfully tear off. Clearly Recluse didn’t need both ears, right? One was enough.

Throughout the fight, Medusa’s two companions had been watching. Waiting. Circling. Keeping an eye out for the perfect opportunity, and it had finally come. With both wolves nearing the end of their fight, the wolverine had kept his eye on Recluse’s open right side. It raced in, the skeletal marked creature looking to come in from straight behind Recluse’s rear and seeking to grab her right hind ankle in its teeth in an effort to tear into the Achilles tendon with a vicious bite with the intention of crippling the leg! Likewise, Medusa’s cougar companion, Umbra, had opted for the same open side. Since Medusa had managed to keep the bitches left side occupied, that left Recluse’s right side completely open. The cougar moved swiftly, racing in with all the swiftness and silence that her species was known for, and she aimed a slash across the right side of Recluse’s ribs dead center.

Win or lose, Medusa wanted to tear this bitch apart for everything she had done. Though she was unlikely and unwilling to show the bitch the same “mercy” that Recluse had supposedly shown her just a matter of days before this.

Medusa vs Recluse for Pack Challenge
Height: 41"
Build: Light
Round 3/3


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: