
I only wanted the life I'd read about and dreamed



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-21-2022, 03:49 PM
Thankfully he wouldn't have to wait any further in confessing, essentially, to the man. Although at least it would be the Kaicho's request and not simply him taking time to heal. If he had to wait any more than he already had, he'd likely go insane with anxiety. Already he was struggling to sleep and that no doubt affected his healing, and in order to pay back the kindness or leave if requested, he must have the strength to do it. It was coming back to him in spurts, allowing him to hunt and capture the small deer for this meal offering, though his body tired quicker than he'd like to admit and felt like he could use a rest. The pneumonia had weakened his lungs more than hid body, however, an invisible weakness that left him struggling to catch his breath when he worked too hard. In time he would recover his strength, but that fact did little to make him feel better about it.

The chimera sat as he cut into the animals throat and spilled it's blood. Kunai had been careful to kill the animal as cleanly as possible to preserve it's quality until meeting with the man, in case he would have to wait. A broken limb and neck were all that the animal had suffered through, one to trip and one to kill quickly. The question the man asked next was inevitable, something he still felt some shame in admitting but also knew that it was better now than never. Whether the Kaicho already knew and was testing his honesty or actually curious was a nerve wracking bit of information he'd love to know himself, but he wouldn't give the man long to wait for an answer.

"My name was Hidaka Toshiaki, but I was stripped of my name and exiled by my parents. I go by only Kunai now," he responded openly, figuring it best to explain a bit deeper than answering directly with no context. Though, he supposed the man would also be a bit worried about the exile, perhaps that it was more than just a family dispute. He didn't want to say too much, though, and instead offered the man the time to turn their conversation into an interrogation if he so wished. Kunai would answer his questions honestly, he wanted to hide nothing, but he would not be so bold as to offer details the man might not be interested in.


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