
Reaching Out

Medusa i


5 Years
10-11-2013, 07:30 PM

Somehow, Medusa?s hind legs had landed upon Canttina?s stomach, despite the fact that her front ones had been the ones pouncing for her and her hind legs had merely been pushing her forwards. She wasn?t sure how this had happened at all, but she would just roll with it. Jaws managed to sink into her flesh, somehow loosely despite how she hadn?t been hindered by Canttina at all, but the harlot would not care. Immediately her head began to shake side to side, teeth clamping down, hoping to damage the muscle she?d managed to grip, hoping to keep that grip. Her opponent would attempt to assault her, to stop her. Nonetheless, Medusa?s attacks had been aimed to put her rear closer to Canttina?s face than her front. Her head and chest were not within the skull-wearing woman?s reach; instead her hind legs were.

Both claws scraped along the backs of her hind legs, delivering slight lacerations, as wolf fur was thick but wolf claws were dull. Her balance wobbled for a moment, unsteady, but she adjusted for this quickly. She did her best to balance more weight upon her front legs, right one hoping to return to the ground after it pawed the air and not her opponent?s stomach as it had attempted, which had landed upon the ground instead of on Canttina, her weight distributing accordingly. Limbs spread equally apart, elbows bending, weight lowering for a better center of gravity. Tail tucked, as it was the most vulnerable appendage within the skulled woman?s range, hackles rising, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, head lowering to align with her body, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
Her right hind leg lifted, hoping to move up and then down, powerful thighs contracting in the attempt to slam down upon the stomach of her exposed enemy. With luck, she desired to damage vital organs, but she?d settle for crippling blow. Stheno?s bite had not been effective; it was strange, because wolverines had jaws that were capable of crushing bone, and they were not meek creatures, and yet her assault had only caused the opponent prick of pain and had not offered lacerations. Medusa did not concern herself with this for now, although her servant received a nasty kick, bruising covering Stheno?s chest and sending her flying away from the other. The wolverine would need a bit of healing when it was all done, but her mistress could care less for now; the harlot was hoping to end this.



ATTACKS: attempting to grip down and shake her head in order to worsen the damage, attempting to stamp her right hind leg upon Canttina?s stomach
DEFENSES: She did her best to balance more weight upon her front legs, right one hoping to return to the ground after it pawed the air, which had landed upon the ground instead of on Canttina, her weight distributing accordingly. Limbs spread equally apart, elbows bending, weight lowering for a better center of gravity. Tail tucked, as it was the most vulnerable appendage within the skulled woman?s range, hackles rising, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, head lowering to align with her body, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

INJURIES: slight lacerations to backs of hind legs, moderate bruising/soreness to jaw, scratches to chin, moderate scratches to lower left leg, deep punctures/tears to upper right arm