
And we're all see through, just like glass



The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-21-2022, 11:19 PM

The storms that plagued Boreas this season had gotten things extra muddy. The silver fae had trekked across the Bifrost some days ago, traveling to the west to see if perhaps her siblings were around there, but she was mostly curious to see what lay in these parts. She wasn't particularly well traveled. Her and Greed had mostly stuck to the North lands up until they traveled down to Auster to join the Hallows. Now her coat felt gross from the salty air and water, and the mud she had to walk through to get here made her feel extra gross and dirty. She looked like she had been like this for a while now despite it only being a few days, and she yearned for the chance to be able to clean herself off. The only problem was, she was in unfamiliar territory. She didn't know where there was a safe spot to be able to bathe without someone potentially sneaking up on her for an attack (though it was unlikely to happen, she was paranoid since she was on her own and Greed had stayed behind at the Hallows).

She flicked some mud off her paw, frowning at how dirty she must look. If you didn't already know her, you wouldn't even know she was monochrome in color as opposed to the arrays of brown she now bore. Her fur stuck up at odd angles, tangled in others, and she longed to get all of the ick off of her. At least before she returned home...she had never felt so dirty in her life! And although she aimed to be a warrior someday, she was a lady first! And a lady should not be looking like this!

Her mother's old companion chirped a subtle warning above, and Claire's gaze followed the direction she was flying. It wasn't the type of warning that indicated something bad. But rather, caution that someone was nearby. And sure enough, in a matter of steps, she heard the rustling of grass and out came what she assumed to be a bird, but then...she realized it wasn't. She stood shocked. Eyes wide as the smallest wolf she'd ever seen in her life crossed her path, and not only that, but the calico creature had wings! His feathers were an assortment of colors, larger than his small body, but he appeared to be older than her. She had seen an assortment of things in her life, but this definitely took the cake by a landslide. "Y-you have wings!" She exclaimed in surprise, but then quickly folded her ears back as she realized how rude she was being. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude! My apologies!" She bowed her head in apologetic shame, hoping she hadn't offended him.

WC: 967/1,500