
Beau-tiful Histories

Histories on Ardent



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-21-2022, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2023, 11:54 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 51 times in total.)
Spring, Year 18

In time, they decide to move back to Boreas. Bellamy and Gavroche settle in the south for a short time while they figure out their game plan. They reunite with Lucette, and her new bestie and guardian, Bae-Syl. After some discussion, however, it is decided that Bellamy and Gavroche will go on their path while Lucette and Bae-Syl will go on theirs… with the promise to keep in touch of course.

So Bellamy heads to the battlefield and there she meets Wren, a representative of the Armada. After speaking the two have a spar to test each other’s worth. Wren wins, but Bellamy is satisfied and gives her word to come with Gavroche to meet with Wren and head with her to the Armada. Before they leave, however, the couple has a last visit with Lucette and Bae-Syl, treating the kids for colds and getting them some more medicine before heading off to the north.

They meet with Wren at Menagerie’s borders and get the offer to remain as guests until the following day so they might rest after traveling up from the South. They accept, but shortly after Wren brings them to their temporary den in Gale Gorge Bellamy becomes overwhelmed. Consumed by emotion and paranoia she runs off, heading toward the Frozen Field. From there, her episode worsens… and after coming to she heads back down South to Fern Gulley.

She runs into Eden, but Bellamy is in no state to accept help from anyone. She lashes out at Eden, seeking to drive her off when she is confronted by Ignis and the two of them get into a maim fight. Bellamy loses, earning an injury on her left shoulder that will scar. From here she limps off into the neighbor swamplands and passes out. When she comes to it is to find Bae-Syl there. Bellamy, still suffering from her episode, tries to get him to leave, but he stubbornly refuses and ends up having a heart-to-heart with her after cleaning her wound.

After her spirits are lifted by the rainbow-marked yearling Bellamy sets off for the North again to reunite with Gavroche. On her way, however, she discovers a polar bear cub alone and hungry. The little girl, Saga, has lost her family and Bellamy quickly decides to take the cub as her own. After feeding the cub she returns back to the den the child was born in. From here she reunites with Gavroche who accepts the cub as his own as well.

After moving to the marble wash the duo starts to make plans on what to do next. They end up heading to watch the pack challenge for Habari and there Bellamy encounters Ignis again who had just been maimed. Bitter and angry with what he told her in her moment of weakness she makes a firm, but truthful comment. Ignis explodes, attacking her, but Bellamy emerges victorious this time. She walks away from the challenge later with Gavroche and Saga in tow, returning to the North.

They head to Menagerie, seeking Wren out, who was kind enough to still offer them a place as guests of the pack. Gavroche speaks up, however, asking if she may consider accepting them as members. Thankfully the woman accepts them and Bellamy, Gavroche, and their adopted daughter, Saga, make their home in the pack.

Summer, Year 18

Summer kicks off and Menagerie's Summer Fest arrives. Bellamy and co. are not there long before Lucette arrives and, wanting some private time with their daughter, the family moves off to speak with her alone. Later Bellamy has a nightmare of sorts, believed to be a sign from the Allfather himself, warning her that staying within Menagerie would bring doom to her unborn children. The woman takes it as a sign they were never meant to be in Menagerie, considering Wren had originally intended for them to join the Armada, and calls for the woman with Gavroche at her side. She holds no ill will against the alpha but is clearly paranoid about staying and what that could mean for her family.

In the end, however, it seems that Wren is no longer there. Something has happened to her, and others, at the Summer Fest. Bellamy decides to take matters into her own paws and start a pack, becoming firm in the decision despite her swelling belly, and sets off across Boreas and, even into Auster, to scout for lands that she can use as a home for her family. She does not even leave the North, reaching The Wall, where she meets Fenix, another wolf who seems to be an aspiring alpha.

The two get to know each other a little, sharing their visions for their packs. Bellamy becomes interested in the Grove and, deciding to put an offer on the table, tells Fenix if Ethne rises before the Grove she would welcome having him as a beta of her pack. Fenix accepts, telling Bellamy that if she called for him he’d come to find her. With hope in her heart, she sets her sights on the rest of Boreas, traveling to the battlefield next.

Bellamy ends up having two spars here, the first with the maned wolf, Jynn. Jynn manages to win their scuffle, though when Bellamy meets a young yearling named Kore she is able to best him next. She ends up trailing south from there, through Veteran's Plateau, to the Buffalo Knolls where she meets Ulula and her companion. After a chat and a small meal, Bellamy goes on her way, passing through the Rio Grande, Sylanious Crypt, and Hot Springs before she meets another wolf in the Serpent Plains.

This wolf is none other than Kotori Fatalis, the soon-to-be alpha of Valta. They have a brief encounter, but it leaves Bellamy feeling comfortable with talking with him. She feels sure and confident of the path she is on, moving onward to the Stone Steppe, where she meets with Manea, Matriarch of Elysium. Bellamy and Manea talk briefly and Manea puts forward and offers for Bellamy to meet with her after her pack is formed. Bellamy makes note of this offer before moving on, having more ground to cover before all is said and done.

Bellamy travels through more lands, most noticeably the Tall Grass Plains, Weeping Woods, Glowshroom Cavern, Emerald Valley, Cerberus’ Colosseum, Redwater Rocks, Wolfpaw Lake, and Cryer’s Ravine. While at the Redwater Rocks Bellamy takes note of a pack scent in the land neighboring it. From there she moves to Auster, finding a garden full of herbs for Gavroche, running into Jynn again for a hunt in Wraith’s Woods, and then comes across Jynn again at Lazuli Falls where they race to the Shimmering Shore. Though Bellamy loses, she feels confident in where she’s going to form her pack, and she makes her way back to the former territory of Menagerie.

When she reaches the Pines she finds Corbie and accepts her offer to be sheltered in Avalon for a time. She gives birth to her second litter in the Orchard, three boys, and two girls, and barely waits for them to wean before letting Corbie know it is time for her to head off and go her separate ways. She heads to the battlefield, calling for the alpha near the Redwater Rocks to challenge for his land. Needless to say, the alpha isn’t happy, but Bellamy doesn’t care. Packs rise and they fall.

Unfortunately, the match is cut short as Gavroche comes running into the battlefield, calling for Bellamy to let her know Saga has been kidnapped by Ignis Praetor. She calls off the match, leaving with Gav.

In her search for Saga Bellamy finds the fading scent of Fenmyre and stakes her claim on a pack, calling out for any who might come. She meets Dagrún who joins her pack as a fighter. From there she wrangles up her family, moving them to the territory of the falls before running back and forth in search of Saga. This search almost puts her in danger as a fire spreads in Veteran’s Plateau, and thankfully she and the two males, Kore and a stranger, make it out of the event with their lives still intact.

Bellamy makes some time for her children as she returns back to Lazuli Falls to heal. She watches them play and goes with them to the events of the Samhain Festival at the altars. She gets a bit huffy when Corbin gets injured by a crow when he and Haydee tried to get something for the festivities, but she could not be prouder of her children working together to achieve what they wanted to. She sets up some lessons for her kids, one on ones, as well as a religion lesson, and even does some recruiting.

The recruiting is another meeting with Fenix, who willingly accepts her offer to become Deputy of Ethne. From there, she heads back to Boreas, first heading North, to the pines where Winterfell once resides. She finds Acere there, using the body of one of his former companion’s sons to talk with her. His words have her considering a different route of approaching Ignis, though she is still uncertain about doing so. From there, she travels to the battlefield for a quick spar before making her rounds to Avalon to speak with Corbie.

Once her meeting with Corbie is finished Bellamy heads to the Fern Gulley, where she had last seen Ignis and calls for him. He comes, bringing Saga with him…

Give Me One Good Reason...

Autumn, Year 18

Coming Home
Making my rounds, alpha that I am
Aesthetically pleasing, huh?
There goes the next contestant
My job ain't a job, it's a damn good time

Winter, Year 18

C minor put it in c minor
Hello there, neighbor!
Future Preparations
Am I... alright?
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.