



10-14-2013, 01:36 AM

His biting motion down on her leg would have positioned his face downwards and crown upwards; though regardless the swing she took at his skull would cause a deafening yelp to gurgle between the gathering of blood at the base of his canines, back hunching as quarters would tuck beneath him with the lurching of pain as her jaws scraped both sides of his skull, one seeming to hook at the base of his flattened ear and tug at tender cartilage. It seemed however, that the immense damage he would present to her forelimb would be enough to cause her an unbearable pain. Just as he had hoped. It seemed she would retract from him as her defences ceased, and oh how tempted he was to take advantage of that, to continue on with his task of desperation and finish all the troubles she had caused him. He almost snickered, obviously it was he that had caused the dramas, but who was to blame? Liberty, perhaps? For so mindlessly taunting him, for medalling with his desires and believing he was far too weak to pursue them. She had well been proved wrong. But it wasn?t about her anymore.

He would release the magpie with a violent head-toss, a motion resembling an enraged pup throwing its chew toy at the sod beneath. ?I enjoy hearing you beg,? but perhaps it was barely interpretable, gargled manically from amidst a dripping pool of saliva and blood; the angel morphed to that of a bloodied demon as his nape would dip up and down with the lurching muscles of his intentions, sinew reboring with the thrill of a victorious fight. And one well deserved. He would move away from her, corpse shuddering with pride, strength weakened despite the adrenaline still pumping his rocking nervous system. He would fall deaf to any other words cast about the battlefield, neck low as still his bloodied maw was creased to a snarl, sparing only Argent a glance as he would creep eerily by, ?Ensure the lamb comes.? A rasped suggestion towards Liberty as The King would slither proudly from the proximities, and steal back to his homelands.

-- exit Isardis