
Beau-tiful Histories

Histories on Ardent



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
08-21-2022, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2023, 11:55 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 9 times in total.)
Spring, Year 18

In time, they decide to move back to Boreas. They settle in the south for a short time while they figure out their game plan. They reunite with Lucette, and her new bestie and guardian, Bae-Syl. After some discussion, however, it is decided that Bellamy and Gavroche will go on their path while Lucette and Bae-Syl will go on theirs… with the promise to keep in touch of course. Bellamy ends up heading to the battlefield without Gavroche and meets Wren, a representative of the Armada. When she comes back she tells Gav of their plan to head North. Before they leave, however, the couple has a last visit with Lucette and Bae-Syl, treating the kids for colds and getting them some more medicine before heading off.

They meet with Wren at Menagerie’s borders and get the offer to remain as guests until the following day so they might rest after traveling up from the South. They accept, but shortly after Wren brings them to their temporary den in Gale Gorge Bellamy becomes overwhelmed. Gavroche doesn’t know why she runs off, but worries for the woman. He waits for her but after hours she doesn’t return. He meets with Wren and ultimately decides to gather up their companions and go looking for her.

It takes some time, but eventually, Gavroche finds Bellamy’s scent trail. He follows it to a polar bear den and reunites with her. She reveals all that has happened, including that she has adopted a polar bear cub, and Gavroche does a secondary treatment of her shoulder which had first aid thanks to Bae-Syl. They are close to the borders of Menagerie at this time but they decide not to go back to Wren just yet and make the move with Saga to the marble wash. It is here that Gavroche gets some alone time with the cub, acting as both babysitter and a new father figure.

After the move, the duo starts to make plans on what to do next. They end up heading to watch the pack challenge for Habari and there Bellamy encounters Ignis again who had just been maimed. She is bitter and angry about what was said the last time they fought. To Gav’s dismay, she gets in a fight with him, though this time Bells emerges victorious. Together the trio watches the rest of the challenge before returning to the North; this time to go see Wren.

They head to Menagerie, and Wren is still kind enough to offer them a place as guests of the pack. Gavroche speaks up, however, asking if she may consider accepting them as members. Wren accepts them and Gavroche, Bellamy, and Saga settle down into the pack as new members. Once they get settled in Gavroche makes a trip to the west, to Emerald Valley, where he there meets Claire Ancora during his trip to gather some herbs to bring back to the pack with him. They have a pleasant chat with one another before going their separate ways. Gavroche makes his trip back to Menagerie and at the tail end of the season even meets with one of the pups of the pack; Phantom.

Summer, Year 18

Summer kicks off with the family attending Summer Fest. It does not take long before Lucette shows up as well and Bellamy suggests they moved off to talk together alone as a family. Gavroche of course agrees, moving off with them to do so. Not long after Summer Fest, however, Bellamy endures a nightmare of sorts. Gavroche confirms her fears, revealing to her at last that she has already fallen pregnant, and likewise has concern for the sign Bellamy seems to have been given by the Allfather himself. He speaks with her and they decide it is best they leave Menagerie. They have no hard feelings towards Wren but it is a sign from their god that they can not ignore. Bellamy calls for Wren and the duo waits for Wren to announce their desire to leave the pack. Unfortunately, Wren never comes. Something befell her and several others during the events of Summer Fest.

Bellamy tells Gavroche about her desire of forming a pack and sets off on a journey to scour the lands and find suitable lands for the pack. Gavroche, meanwhile, babysits Saga, though he does go on an herb-gathering trip to the East. There he meets Manea, who seems fascinated by the wings that he has. After a small chat, he returns to the North until Bells tells him about them moving South, to Avalon, where she plans to have the children safely. He follows dutifully after her, keeping Saga in tow.

Once the children are born and weaned, Bellamy has Gavroche move them to the Rio Grande so she can call an alpha to battle. Things go south when Ignis Praetor shows up, however, and lures Saga away. Once their eldest child is sitting with the pups Gavroche takes off after Bells, stopping the challenge just in time. The duo leaves, hoping to find Ignis, but with no luck in the matter. Bellamy does, however, manage to find a fading pack in Auster, and they move their family to Lazuli Falls as the beginning days of Ethne arrive.

From there, Gavroche participates in the events of Samhain, as well as tends to his children. He gives a healing lesson to Dorian, his son, and treats an injury that Corbin sustains from a crow when prepping for the festivities. He also takes some time to meditate, hoping that the Divinities will guide him on this new path as an Advisor of Ethne and father to his youngest litter.

Autumn, Year 18

Winter, Year 18

Lavender's Blue, Dilly, Dilly

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.