
Beau-tiful Histories

Histories on Ardent

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-21-2022, 11:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2023, 11:56 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 13 times in total.)
Spring, Year 18

Memento Mori, upon making her return to Ardent, sets off in Auster. Here she and her companions, Rein and Jacques set off together to wander the lands. She meets Ezra, a cousin of hers, in the god’s garden and starts to question if maybe, just maybe, living in a pack wouldn’t be as bad as she fears. He gives her the option to come to the Hallows on a sort of trial, as a guest, and Meme decides she will take him up on it later in the season.

Memento Mori soon meets Jynn at Lazuli Falls, an ambitious loner with the hopes of starting a band. Meme admires her drive but the promise she has made to Ezra is in the back of her mind so she doesn’t volunteer to join her. She meets Vashou not long after during some exploration near Bent Canyon. She finds the loner a bit on the odd side but they don’t seem bad at all. She later then meets Sota, a member of the Hallows, the very pack her cousin Ezra hails from, which only fuels her curiosities about the pack and leaves her with the desire to head there around the end of the season.

Around the middle part of the season, Memento Mori meets Tenshi, a woman with a different pack scent, and honors her in a spar. Though Meme concedes, feeling she is unable to topple the slightly larger woman. She then returned to Lazuli falls, meeting a curious, seemingly not all there wolf by the name of Skorgek. She spends a little bit of time with both of them before she heads back to the boneyard. Once she arrives she meets Claire, yet another member of the Hallows, and spars with her as well. Claire emerges victorious and they talk briefly about a potential second meeting in the Hallows. Meme leaves her, positive that she will be making her way there in a couple of days’ time.

As the season starts to near its end Memento Mori heads to the Hallows to speak to the Aegis about becoming a guest of the Hallows, unsure of how staying in the pack might go. She is hopeful that it will go well, however, and looks forward to getting to know some more wolves. Artorias and Ezra meet with her and Meme is accepted into the Hallows, choosing to den in the East Wing with the Adravendi family; her kin. Memento Mori makes a promise to herself to meet more of the wolves of the pack.

Right before the season ends Memento Mori meets Laeta. The encounter goes well, and Meme finds herself feeling even more hopeful about connecting with those in the pack, and looks forward to getting to know more members of the Hallows. She later meets a strange wolf by Lazuli Falls, though their visit is brief. She finds herself more aware of the consequences of the gases in the Hallucination Caves, deciding to avoid the land altogether.

Summer, Year 18

As Summer arrives Memento Mori meets up with Claire, spending some time playing a game with her. She also meets Jane, one of her cousins, though the encounter is briefer than Meme would have liked. Soon Memento settles down into making some dolls for Artorias and Briar’s upcoming litter and finds some company in the local bird, Zephyrus. They manage to make a few dolls and Meme makes a plan to present them to the alpha couple later on. Memento Mori then takes a journey outside of the Hallows, running into Jynn again. Jynn instructs Meme in the methods of basket weaving, while Memento shares her ideas on how to craft winter booties.

When Meme returns she meets Mercury, sparring with the man. She loses, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Then, a couple of days after, she goes on a patrol with her cousin Ezra, the duo and Memento’s companions discover a bear that had decided to chance the wolves to get at the sweet berries of the wildberry grove. Working together they get rid of it, and Memento finds great joy in being able to spend time with her family.

Memento Mori then partakes in the festivities of Samhain, even getting to meet her grandfather, Ganta, who was possessing a mouse. She also meets with one of Artorias’ sons, Thorn, and helps him with his map-making before putting forth the offer of a friendly spar. At the end of the season, she decides to call for Art, telling him of her choice, and asking to become a full-fledged member of the Hallows after all.

Autumn, Year 18

As Spring in Auster begins Memento Mori attempts to start on the right foot by doing some spring cleaning!

Let's take on the dust bunny army!
Tackling the leaves
cradle my spine; label my pride
Work time is play time
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.