
fine I'll spend time with the damn bird


"Certified Best Bird"

The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (305)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

2 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaHomebody1K
08-22-2022, 02:03 AM
Zephyrus was thrilled to be invited on an outing by one of his extended family members and thankfully, oblivious to the man’s constant state of grouch and bitterness. He flapped along happily after the direwolf, swooping down occasionally to boop him playfully on the head as they walked.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Zeph gave back, clacking his beak in the air to signal his brewing annoyance. Why would he ever cheat? He was the one who had requested the race, and cheating would make it terribly unfair anyways. If he was going to win, he was going to win uncontested and in a way that nobody could say otherwise. Besides, he doubted he would have the strength to actually fly the majority of the mountain’s elevation - not without a good cliff to run and jump off of. The thing was massive, the path steep and curving. Apparently there were even traps to stumble upon. The mark the two had decided upon was the structure that supposedly stood at the mountain’s very top, at the plateau. Whoever made it there first, won.

Zephyr was in charge of calling out the starting bell and he parted his beak in preparation. Outstretching his massive wings (and nudging Azure in the process with one tip) he ducked down and readied himself. Out loud he counted down, “Three, two, one, go!” Taking off as Azure did, half-flapping and half-sprinting up alongside the behemoth onto the winding path.

Zephyrus vs Azure for Race
Round 1/4
Age: under 1 year
Size: Paleo species
Build: Light
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Expert Navigator
Zephyrus is a young Argentavis Magnificens. He is 6'4" (77") with a wingspan of 21'6" (258").

Zephyr has a binturong named Frigg with dexterous (mutated) paws, a cottonmouth snake named Wraith with enhanced (mutated) infrared sight,
and a violent and unpredictable honey badger named Thor.
While threading outside of Hallows' territory, you can assume his companions are always nearby.

Artorias and Briar are welcome in any of his threads regardless of tag while he is underage.