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08-22-2022, 10:09 AM
Venom gathered up one of her nieces, little Saia who was the most often reclused within the palace walls. She took after her mother too much for Venom’s liking, so with her sunset gaze upon her the Matriarch singled her out for a patrol that day. There was a little feeling within that told her there would be some excitement that evening, so she was eager to take on the challenges ahead of them with her young niece.

There was no animosity from Venom towards Saia or Rava, but the woman wished her to be more like her father. There wasn’t much doubt of her Klein heritage, not that Venom would voice such thoughts. She belonged to both fathers and mother, but to truly embrace her heritage she needed more experience, and to get out of the palace.

Venom’s white gloved paws carried her to the beaches of Ibon, they were on the western side, nearly the most wild of the Ashen Islands. This would be where they would find anything amiss. Her eyes scanned the horizon and she found movement not far off the beach. An orca. Usually they traveled in pods, but this one was alone. Usually they were allies, the orcas feasted on the seals that ate Ashen’s fish. However, this one was acting much differently. There were no seals here, and she could just made out the shadows of fish the great beast was chasing.

"Hmm, that isn’t good.” Venom sighed, wondering how one would remove an orca from her ocean. "Do you see what I see, Saia?” She asked as she glanced down at the girl.


[Image: ven-sig.png]