
Stretch those legs




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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-22-2022, 04:27 PM

Just as Artorias considered Lae a good friend, Laeta considered him a good friend, as well. Near and dear to her heart as many of the Hallows wolves were. He had saved her from a life of desolation, isolation and possible death by starvation, had she not been noticed by him at the borders all those seasons ago.That was only the start of her forever gratitude to the pack - when she had become paralyzed, she feared the Egis would consider her dead weight, especially when all his wolves were dying and sick. But he had not - instead he and the physicians dedicated their time into helping her adapt to her paralysis to ensure she could participate in pack life. And when she recovered from her mysterious ailment, physical therapy took its place. It helped just as much, and with time on her side, the older woman regained use of her legs again.

Artorias remained true to his promise. He knew her wanderlust, her desire to explore terrains unseen. Even though she had once sought never to return to Boreas, she let the fear go upon the blue wolf telling her they were exploring the southern regions. She had breathed a sigh of relief back then - it was primarily the north of Boreas she was concerned about, the region that had nearly killed her as a yearling. The south parts were decently warm and mild, and thus she set off with him that day. Mel stayed behind - he had strength, but not the endurance for the exploration. Plus, Laeta was determined to keep building muscle and strength - and her balance was only getting better. She was much appreciative of Art’s breaks in between, allowing her to pause if needed. Her arthritis bit at her joints quite a bit, but she was determined as ever. It showed as she picked up the pace to catch up with the Aegis as they descended into the ravine from the adjoining Fjörd, the lush woodlands towering around them as they crossed the ravine’s ever-running trail. The woman’s ruby eyes fluttered about curiously, her nose twitching to take in the scent of the forest and the new variety that wasn’t found on Auster. He mentioned a pack - Aerie, it was called - once lived her. She hummed in interest to his words, a soft smile gracing her lips as she marveled at the sights. Imagining wolves running around, making dens, having families and a place to call home. And how strange to see it so..empty. Yet nature knew how to fill the spaces wolves tended to leave behind. It always did.

"It’s beautiful here," She mused outloud. "I could see why a pack would wish to settle here - it’s peaceful." Her ears flicked as birds fluttered through the trees, her eyes peeled for anything else of interest.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.