
probably should get this looked at



08-22-2022, 05:28 PM

Having been a servant her entire life, Lyre was a light sleeper. When Azure's claws scraped the nearby stone, she was awake. Even as he was kicking the pile of furs that she lay upon, the woman was rising. Without word, she picked up her pack and followed. She could smell the infection in his ear and imagined that this might be the reason for waking her.

Together they walked out to the cove, though they needn't have gone that far. Not unless he had other tasks in mind. Once they stopped, the giant man tilted his head, showing his ravaged ear, and asked if she could fix it. Lyre's brow furrowed. "There's not much left to fix, my king," she spoke softly. "I can clean the infection and bandage the wound, but there's not much else to be done." Nothing would bring his ear back.

Lyre began pulling items from her pack including clean rags, an ointment of her own making and a bottle of hard alcohol that would surely disinfect the wound. Azure was tall and so Lyre cleared her throat, ears pulling back as she made a request of her king. "If you could lay down so that I can reach, I can try to get this over with quickly." Then she waited. If he refused, she'd find a way to get up to his ear to clean it.
