
love isn't enough of a drug



08-22-2022, 05:50 PM

Lyre watched as Azure fought for the words that would get his point across. He seemed embarrassed to be asking her for this and, once his request was out in the open, she understood why. Her king had doubts that his mate had been stolen at all. The servant fae didn't know her master's woman enough to make such a mental judgement. Hanako was aloof and they had little interaction. That was fine with Lyre. She wished to serve Azure and no other, but serving his family was what he wished, so the striped woman would do so.

Once he'd finished asking but not asking for her cooperation, the earth and shadow fae nodded once. "I can begin making her a nightly tea, my king." Once Hanako became addicted to the substances within the tea, she would become rather ill once she didn't have it. That didn't mean that she would need to take the tea forever. "Should the time come when you'd rather she didn't take it, simply let me know and I'll wean her off of it." Lyre was fairly certain that she could mask the flavor so changes wouldn't be noticed.

So Lyre never spoke out of turn. She never offered her own opinion on things, nor did she really even speak without being spoken to first. In this case, she decided to speak. "I am... sorry, my king, that this has happened. I'm glad that the lady is back with you." Ears slicked back against her skull once more and Lyre bowed her head, going silent. Already she was crafting a brew within her mind that would do exactly what Azure intended for it to do.
