
not a pretty sight

healing / hermes


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
08-22-2022, 05:52 PM

Seere stands before the injured wolf, noting the pain written into every tensed muscle and taunt line of his frame. From where she is standing, his ruined cheek is half hidden from view but the coppery tang of blood is unmistakable on the air. Mismatched gaze catches the slowly growing pool of red that resides under the man’s nose and worry paints her features. As he lifts his head, the monochrome girl catches sight of the ugly jagged wounds that mar his cheek and as he speaks, she realizes that the words are slurred and the act is an obvious struggle for Azure.

Swiftly, Seere steps forward, making soothing sounds as she gently grabs his uninjured cheek and guides his head down. A soft, kind smile is on her lips and her voice holds warmth as she says, “Easy Azure Fatalis. I can help you. Just rest and let me take care of you.” The girl has always had a big hurt and, seeing this man is so much pain pulls at every one of her heartstrings. Guiding his head to rest against his foreleg, good cheek against his leg to expose the injury for her to take care of, the small healer then quickly gets to work.

Softly, she coos gentle sounds to him, much like her mother, Rava, would do for her when she didn’t feel good as she steps back. Shrugging off her healer’s satchel, Seere quickly rummages inside before pulling out a small container filled with a thick paste. Looking to Azure, the young girl explains, “Azure, I am going to put this on the wounds first. It is going to help stop the bleeding and prevent any infection from setting in. It will sting but I promise, it is going to help.” A gentle smile is given to the injured wolf as she allows him a moment to prepare himself.

Dipping her small paw into the thick paste made of dandelion root, horsetail, marshmallow, and trillium leaves, Seere then moves to gently start applying the paste to the oozing wounds. No matter how much she tries not to cause Azure pain, she knows that it will still hurt. Again, she coos soothing sounds to him as she goes. Once the paste is applied, she sits back and says, “Let’s give that a minute to do its job. The horsetail will stop the bleeding and the trillium will prevent any infections. Oh! I bet you are thirsty!”

Eyes light up as Seere cleans off her paws before turning back to her bag. She pulls out a large bowl which she places near Azure’s nose. Dehydration is something that healers need to be aware of in patients, especially in those with substantial blood loss. From her bag, the small girl pulls out a jar covered with a thick piece of leather. Undoing the cover, the monochrome healer tips the contents into the bowl as she says, “This is water that has been infused with ginseng root. It will help with the pain.”

Setting the empty container aside, the girl gently helps to lift Azure’s head with her small paws and guides his muzzle to the water. Encouraging him to drink, Seere supports his head as best as her small body can handle. The flow of blood from his wounds is slowing and the girl readies for the next step.

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.