
Hey Boo-Boo! How About A Pic-A-Nic Basket?

Claire <3


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-22-2022, 09:25 PM

The bear roared in anger and pain as the two wolves went at it. Claire kept her hold on the paw she had grabbed, and when the other paw came swinging, her new packmate had taken hold of it, shredding it and causing more pain to the grizzly while rendering the other limb useless. It tried to rear on hind legs, practically dragging Claire as it tried, but she dug her feet into the ground and pulled back like a game of tug of war. A snarl ripped through her, surprising, really, since she seldom made such a sound. But in this situation? It was definitely warranted.

In the air, Tan did tight circles before dive bombing the bear over, and over, and over again. Beak and claws raking the bears head. Its ears. Its face. Distracting it right up until Claire released the paw, sending the bear stumbling backward and off balance until it landed clumsily on its rear. Its maimed paw from Fern tucked against its chest as it bellowed at the wolves. Claire didn't intend to kill this creature. It was simply hungry, she was sure. What right did she have to take the life of another predator that had been minding its business? All it did was trespass, and honestly, she didn't even know if it was aware of that fact or not. She decided that they'd drive it off instead. If it came back, they'd deal with it again. She snarled and barked, nipping and snapping at its haunches as it struggled to get up.
