
running from a tidal wave you can't ignore

nav seasonal spring 18



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-22-2022, 10:45 PM
Art by Eightysichs & Code by Skelle 2022

Sverre hadn't seen the other wolf riding the log down the coastline, the rain too heavy to see very far and too painful to open his eyes beyond a squint. He scowled through the storm as he trudged on, head low as he pushed through the high winds with agonizing steps as he sunk into the wet sand. The storm was far too loud for him to hear the log crashing to the shore and the wolf running up from behind. It wasn't until he saw a blur of something moving past his left side that he was aware he wasn't alone and suddenly he called after the wolf (or something?) afraid that it may crash into one of the many trees littering the coastline.

"Watch out for the trees!" he yelled to the other, just in time for a heavy and loud creaking to sound off above him. Sverre was quick to jump out of the way when the tree fell and crashed into the sand with a splash from the rain that couldn't soak in fast enough. His heart raced with adrenaline as he stared at the tree for a moment before his head snapped back in the direction the other had ran. Was it even a wolf? Brows furrowed as he pressed on, pace quickening but certainly not into a run. The man trotted through the wet sand, squinting his eyes as he searched for something he couldn't see. The storm was too thick and strong; for all he knew, the other wolf was standing right before them and wasn't even a wolf.


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