
left behind

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Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-22-2022, 11:08 PM

The pup spoke up and her question was one that  Beauregard himself hadn’t thought of in a long time. He furrowed his brow, unsure if talking about beliefs was really okay with a pup. After all, what would her parents or caretaker think? Still…he didn’t want to be rude and not answer the question either. He supposed there was no harm in it. “That’s a very good question.” He started with that, adjusting a little as he tried to figure out how to answer. “My father always said that it was gods that controlled all things… but… my mother and I were different. We don’t believe in just a few higher beings.” Beauregard furrowed his brow.

“Everyone will answer this question differently I feel like, but my mother and I believed in nature spirits. Many, many beings bring with them the sun, storms, and everything that happens in life. They’re not like a god, who is said to follow good or bad. They just… exist I guess? They do what is the natural order of things. Keeping the world in balance if that makes sense. Like how there is day and night, rain and shine… everything happens automatically because they exist. It’s an unconscious thought, and they do the things because they must be done. They don’t pay attention to how it may affect the creatures living in an area.”

Beau shivered as another lightning strike split the sky and illuminated the room. He hated storms so much, but feeling the pup, even if she was little, against him had him feeling a little better. At the very least she was being far better company than Blind right now. The fox was grumping back where the girl had been hiding before in the blankets, sticking her tongue out at the kid in a childish response. Beauregard didn’t see their exchange though. It was her next question he was a little less sure about, but he spoke honestly. “It’s shaking a lot but I don’t think it’s going to come free. It seems like it’s been here for a great many years, otherwise, it’d be at the bottom of the ocean farther out. This definitely isn’t the first storm the ship’s been through, even if it’s my, and maybe yours...? First one while in it.” He tried to relax, but it was hard. With how it creaked and groaned in the wind, water shifting it around, he wasn’t sure what to make of the vessel anymore.

“I’ve only explored the ship properly once before moving here… and even then it had been… interesting to say the least. It always shifts a little bit, but the ice is so thick around it that not even the water washes it away. I doubt it’s going anywhere. Still, it doesn’t feel very nice, does it?"


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"Talk, 'Think.'
