
not a pretty sight

healing / hermes


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
08-22-2022, 11:16 PM

Seere thinks nothing of being gentle to big man, her own caring heart telling her to be as careful and kind to him as she can be. Maybe it is her youth or her inexperience with wolves in high rank or, perhaps, she just coos the soothing sounds to Azure because she knows they help her when she doesn’t feel well. Whatever the reason, the small healer is kind and gentle as she treats Azure’s wounds, her mismatched gaze greeting his eye from time and time to offer him warm smiles.

When she places the water near his muzzle, helping to lift his head so he can drink, the girl watches as his tongue breaks the surface of the liquid and the resulting pain it causes him. Softly murmuring sweet nothings to the big man, Seere replaces his head and turns to root around in her bag. His question has her turning back to him, a reassuring smile blooming across her features as she says, “Yes, I will be stitching you up and then you can sleep. But first you need water.”

She withdraws a piece of cloth from her bag, turning to dip it into the ginseng root infused water until it is good and soaked. Pulling it back out, she wrings some of the fluid out before making the cloth as small as possible. Small paw wraps around the uninjured side of his muzzle, lifting it off the ground a bit so she can press the cloth against his teeth as she explains, “Take the cloth in your mouth. Slowly suck out the liquid that is soaked in it. Once you are done, I will rewet the cloth and we will repeat the process.” Her smile is bright as she encourages him to take the thin piece of cloth.

Once it is out of her paw, Seere then turns back to her bag and pulls out a small leather pouch. Setting it down, she checks in on him and the progress with the cloth, rewetting it if necessary. Azure settles and Seere opens the pouch, revealing the glistening, thin bone needle and her homemade stitches. They are made of small animal intestines that have dried and stretched, the ‘thread’ then soaked in a water mixed with pain killing and infection preventing herbs. Sitting close to Azure, the small healer offers him a sad, worried smile as she says, “I am sorry Azure, no matter what I do, this is still going to hurt. I will be as swift as I can.”

Gently, she pats the bridge of his nose before checking if he needs more water. Once Azure is settled and ready, Seere retrieves the needle and looks at his spilt lip. Mismatched gaze flicks up to his eyes as she says, “I am going to start. Please be as still as possible.” With that, she turns her attention back to his lip and deftly spears the flesh at the top of the wound. As swiftly as possible while still making tight stitches, Seere closes the jagged lip wound. She brushes off the paste as she goes, hoping the herbs for inflammation and pain are helping.

Once done with his lip, Seere quickly moves to his cheek, repeating the process on every single open wound until they are closed shut. She stops from time to time, to tie off the stitch and start a new one or check how he is doing with the water cloth. By the time she sits back, exhausted and shaking slightly from being tense the whole time, Azure’s wounds are stitched closed. Huffing a relieved sigh, she gently pats Azure’s nose, calmly saying, “Good job Azure. I am just going to apply some poultices. Rest. You have earned it.” Seere waits to see what he says before moving onto the final step.

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.