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[ non-mandatory pack meeting ]



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-23-2022, 06:44 AM


She had been tidying up her room with a certain someone on her mind when the howl from Wren filtered through the slight crack in the door. Curious, Audra wasted no time making her way to where the sound came from. From a distance, she could hear the crackle of the fire and murmurs of voices. Glad that there would be some warmth to keep away her shivers, she approached with a smile and her companion, Mack at her side. It would be odd to not see the comparably sized bobcat not with her, always dutifully standing on the side where her eye was missing.

Two took a seat on the other side of Wren from Mercury and Beauregard. Making another mental note that she would need to carve out time in her busy schedule to get to know the two better, she turned her attention to Wren as Mack laid down beside her. Listening intently to the news of an upcoming summer festival, her heart raced. It raced out of excitement to see old friends from other packs, but also out of worry that certain someone she wasn't ready to see yet would join. Trying not to worry about it, for now, she kept her mind focused on the topic at hand.

It would be good for her to help organize or lead an event for the festival and she made another note to speak with Wren about it later. The next topic Wren brought up made Audra's tail thump quietly against the old floor. A mentor-mentee program would be exactly the thing Audra would love to be a part of. The main reason she had even been in northern Boreas was to be a teacher at the old Abaven pack. Nodding quietly, she glanced around, letting her eyes linger on the younger wolves, wondering who would be the most interested in learning how to heal.

Her attention then turned to Mercury when he mentioned a new pack led by Corbie. Audra's glittering eye lit up briefly with happiness. Glad that the girl who had been challenged by the Armadan son had won her right to the pack, she was looking forward to meeting the new Alpha. "I-it w-would be nice if Corbie a-and h-her pack c-could come," the petite woman adds in as she smiles from Mercury to Wren. Her attention is quickly drawn to Beauregard whose excitement causes a giggle to leave her lips. It was always nice to see youngsters having an interest in things!

"I c-can help c-clean up s-some areas," Audra adds on as her tail wags a few more times across the deck. Being a part of Menagerie was turning out to be a wonderful thing. As much as she missed Auster and its warmer weather and the Hallow's family ties, she was glad to have such an important place here.


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audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise