
running from a tidal wave you can't ignore

nav seasonal spring 18



2 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-23-2022, 04:12 PM
Ryzen had paused briefly as the sudden landing and change of stability under his feet meant he needed a moment to adjust his stance. Ryzen could still feel the swaying of the log he was on, but given the power of the wind and everything he wouldn't have enough time to resituate himself and would have to make do with what he could get.

The harsh storm blew debris and other small stones over Ryzen's body. His low-to-the-ground stature meant he was getting dirt and other things on his face . He needed to squint and hustle with a stable wobbling. His body moving past as he flicked his ears hearing the tree come down.

His body trembling as he felt the power of the falling tree shake the floor. However, he only stumbled forward and kept his movement at the same pace. He couldn't speak at the moment due to the fact if he opened his muzzle he'd likely be eating alot of sand so he just kept his pace. The patchwork wolf moving steadily forward. His fur speckled with dirt and debris. He kept moving knowing he could start talking with the other wolf once they escaped the storms radius or found shelter. He kept his eyes peeled for any cave like opening. Maybe it was do to his lower stature however he soon saw a darker spot in the wallside cliff. He finally spoke as loud as he could saying, "To the left!" getting a mouthful of dirt and debris he began to chew it as he whimpered and kept moving making a sharp left in hopes of the cave not just being an illusion.

His footing was silenced and hard against the wind which was now blowing at their sides. meaning he needed to resist being rolled over as he was pressed by the wind. However as he got closer he could notice the cave. It was a little on the narrow side but the would both fit inside till it passed. He made his way into the narrow passage going as deep as he could before turning around. The cave was maybe two feet from wall to wall. So enough to turn around but it was certainly a small cave for the two of them.
