
not a pretty sight

healing / hermes


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
08-23-2022, 04:42 PM

The process of suturing is painful, both for Azure and the small healer. Every growl that rumbles from the depths of his throat has Seere’s brow furrowing and lip wobbling in sympathy. Tears prick the back of her eyes but the small girl wills them away, knowing that blurry vision will not help anyone. His growls are met with soft coos of comfort and murmured apologies. She keeps glancing to his eye, offering weak, shaky smiles of encouragement. By the time she sits back, shaking from the tension that had held her body taunt, the small girl feels her throat growing dry.

Patting his nose lovingly, she lets him know that she is done and the big man’s relieved sigh has a warm smile appearing on her lips. He thanks her and Seere gently nods her head, saying, “You are welcome. I… I’m sorry I caused you so much pain.” Mismatched gaze meets his eye, head tucked and an apologetic look is on her features. He adjusts his position and the small healer gently helps him, paws moving to help guide his head. Once he is done, she grabs another jar from her bag and opens it, revealing the contents to be another paste and showing the injured man. A soft smile is on her lips as she says, “This won’t hurt a bit! It will actually help the pain and swelling. You can sleep now, Azure.”

The smile warms as she dips her paw in the paste, readying to dap the mixture of dandelion root, trillium leaves, and marshmallow onto the wound. It similar to the first paste she applied but it lacks the horsetail since the wound is already closed. Lifting her paw, Seere hesitates, looking to Azure’s eye once more as a thought crosses her mind. Her look becomes serious as she says, in a warm, calm tone, “You can sleep Azure. I will keep watch. I’m not leaving you.” A bright smile suddenly erupts across her lips as she adds, “I promise!” A dip of her head and she turns her attention back to his wounds.

Gently, carefully, Seere applies the paste, dapping the stuff over the stitches without actually applying pressure to them. She takes her time, making sure that every inch of the sutured area is completely covered. Without realizing what she is doing, the small girl hums a gentle tune. Its name is forgotten to time, the song passed down from memory and used to comfort children for countless generations. The tune does not stop once the paste is applied, instead she cleans her paws and retrieves some moss from her bag and turns back to Azure.

Carefully, she picks apart the moss and places it over the paste, knowing that the thick stuff will hold it in place. The nameless tune is still softly hummed, the girl, so focused on not hurting the big man anymore that she doesn’t hear her own voice. Eyes scan her work, knowing that paste will help the wound and hold the moss and that the moss will protect the paste from flies and bugs. When she done, Seere sits back on her haunches, the tune falling off as she releases a short, relieved sigh. She gathers the items that have been strewn about, carefully packing them away.

The cloth is taken from man’s mouth and Seere pause near his nose, unsure if he is truly asleep or just pretending. Softly, the small healer whispers, “You are very strong Azure Fatalis. Keep fighting. I promise I’ll take care of you.” Gently, the girl leans in, placing a soft kiss upon the big man’s nose, hoping he is asleep so he doesn’t see the emotions that play across her face. She hopes that others will be here soon to aid the injured wolf, the girl needing someone else to tell her that he will be okay. Surely others in Ashen heard his call and are one their way.

Leaving her bag near Azure’s face, Seere moves to his shoulder, ready to watch over him like she promised. She sits there, scooting back so her butt presses gently into him, letting him know she is still here. Even if others arrive, the small healer knows that she will not leave his side… not until he awakens and is ready for her to go. Mismatched gaze scans the area, the girl on high alert, ready to defended the slumbering, injured man.

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.