
yeehaw but make it pirate-y so yeeharr



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
08-23-2022, 07:41 PM
After calling out for an opponent, it didn’t take long for him to hear a presence nearby. The sand did well to muffle the sound of pawsteps, so it was difficult to hear who it was coming from the direction they were at. Still, the burly boy had a feeling it was ome of his siblings - maybe even a certain quilled, lanky brother he got along with particularly well. A smirk crossed his tusked maw as he continued to pretend not to notice that somebody was creeping up on him. He paused, back to his surprise attacker, even shifting his hind legs a bit as if he was still expecting someone to come around face to face. And then when the strike finally happened, he grinned as he jerked his head back, pivoting his hind end away from Scald’s flying shape, so that the boy’s attack just barely grazed his rump. He giggled, a bubbly, genuine bit of laughter. "Nice try, Scald!” He said, narrowing his eyes as he shifted the rest of his body to face Scald head-on. Lowering the front half of his body in a play bow, crystal spikes beginning to flare out much like a stegosaurus’s plates, he aimed to spring himself into the air and whomp his forelegs in front of Scald’s, spread out as if boxing in his brother’s upper body between his muscular forelegs. Reaching his head towards Scald’s left shoulder, he then aimed to use his (still very rounded and dull nubs) tusks with a tilt of his head to gently but firmly bowl his brother over with his brute strength.

Rexx vs Scald for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Tusks - Offensive
Mutation 2: Crystal Spine Spikes - Defensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Navigator