
paralyzing comfort


10-14-2013, 05:02 PM

She froze. It was not an entirely unreasonable response to uninvited physical contact ? particularly in victims of ill treatment. Still the logical aspect of her reaction did nothing to quiet the immediate burn of displeasure that coiled in his belly like a serpent. Having already declared his possession of the female the aversion to his touch that she showed irked him. She must never shy from him; her comforts could only be gifted by him and anything else would be deigned intolerable. Nibelheim seethed, viciously pushing the irritating sensation down to where it might rest and remain a dormant tenant in his skewed psyche. The girl was new to her owner, Nibelheim reasoned, he shouldn?t fault the skittish girl for her apprehension. She would require time to associate him with the pleasures she had been denied and he had months to endow her with that knowledge.

Nibelheim remained tolerant, composure not once faltering to convey his internal struggle as his presentation was of the utmost importance. Any flare of negativity would hurtle her back to the sniveling shrew and lessen his chances of converting her. So he would bide his time. Introduce her slowly to the things he could offer, answer her desires one at a time until it was a different hunger that wracked her body, a different mindset of submission when he caressed her. There was time enough for it and he was intent on making it a reality.

The female gave her assent which earned her a marvelous grin from the mocha-tinted wolf. He hadn?t expected her to be so receptive even if he had been furious with her moments ago for having shown apprehension. Her acquiesce meant that he was making the right moves, that she was beginning to give him liberties that she likely hadn?t had a choice in before. This was her trust and he would revel in it.

?Danke.? The humble projected passed his lips as he alighted from his lounging position to a stand, moving slowly to her side and settling back down. She was so much smaller than him that Nibelheim took a moment to marvel at the vast difference. Still it changed nothing, his plans didn?t factor size so he was untroubled by her diminutive stature. It simply meant she would not stray far from the protection he offered. It meant that she would be easier to control.

These dastardly schemes aside, Nibelheim made good of his word and bent his head over her and began to grooming process. He was very careful with her; he didn?t want to break his new toy before he?d had a chance to play with it. His tongue rasped over her ears again, snatching dirt and disrupting tangles where it passed before going down to her scruff and nibbling soothingly to investigate for any unseemly parasites that might have hitched a ride on her back. The action was rhythmic and lulled him for a moment by the normalcy until her voice broke through.

Cashmere, was her name. The wolf paused in his cleaning to give her his attention and acknowledge she had spoken. ?A pleasure, Cazmere.? His thick accent stealing the pronunciation but still decipherable by all counts, ?I am Nibelheim. Did you wander far from home little libeling?? The question was spoken and then his mouth returned to its chosen duty of cleansing her body.
