
No Fear *Joining*


10-11-2013, 09:57 PM
She'd finally made it! News of the pack Tortuga had reached Garnet's ears and the things she'd heard all sounded promising. A newer pack, perhaps, but one that seemed to embrace the same ideals as Garnet. She simply wanted to join a pack and had considered settling for one that might not fit as well when she finally heard about Tortuga. Why settle when I can try for the best? she thought rhetorically as she stepped closer to what she hoped might be her future home.

Her old life was behind her and while she'd never forget it, she wanted to move on to become the wolf she longed to be. Before long, her paws moved across the ground faster. She ran across the landscape, a puppy-like excitement resonating from her. Let's go, let's go! she urged her legs, an exuberant smile crossing her maw.

It was impossible to ignore how anxious she was. Would she be accepted? Could this pack really welcome her? She just wanted to belong, to be around wolves who might feel the way she did. Soon, her nose was assaulted with all manner of scents. The smells of other wolves and the distinctive scent that indicated a pack. Was she there? She slowed but couldn't completely keep herself from running. She skirted around the edge of the scents, not wishing to barge in but wanting so badly to meet someone. Hopefully someone who could introduce her to one who could accept her into the pack!

She slowed to a trot, not masking her presence but taking care not to trespass too far into the marked land. Not intruding! Just want you to know I'm here!