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[ x-large hunt! ]


08-24-2022, 08:49 AM

This time Ngurulivu found herself in the Eastern part of Boreas. Above her Splatter flew along, the bird keeping an eye on things above her as she wandered across the lands. She was getting used to traveling all over Boreas now, and she welcomed the ability to freely travel. At least she was meeting others and doing something with her life. She just wished she could get Florian out of his shell and do the same thing. He was quick to want to stay where he was, in the North, and not really travel far. But she had a sinking suspicion she knew why. The yearling he had met. Florian had a friend there he didn’t want to abandon.

A familiar voice sounded and Ngurulivu perked her ears. That sounded like Tallulah! She had only met the younger woman once, but she had been a good hunter. Perhaps it was time that the monochrome she-wolf redeemed herself in assisting with a hunt. This time there would be no slush slapping her in the face as she sent off, calling to her feathered companion to follow. She moved carefully, hoping to get a warning from Splatter when he saw the prey that the southern belle was tracking down.

Before long she found the other woman, creeping up close with near-silent paws. Her voice was quiet as she addressed her, a bit of a grin on her face. “Got a game plan?” She hadn’t seen the beast they were hunting yet, having come from somewhere behind Tallie, but she could see the blood clear enough and could smell it in the air.


Extra-Large Hunt (Water Buffalo) - 1 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'