
The meal has a kick to it


08-24-2022, 10:02 AM

Just as the woman planned, the adult ran. Snapping and barking at its heels, staying on it, the woman was careful to avoid any limbs that might come in her direction. She didn’t even have to go very far before the cow elk was running for her own life, abandoning the youngling that she left to the other wolf. She could hear it crying out, fearful and confused, as the wolf chased it. She spun on her heels, her focus shifting to the young prey animal and the wolf she’d decided to help. Alright then, it was time to really kick things up a notch and get this over with so she and the stranger could have something to eat!

Ngurulivu wasted no time in coming towards the calf on the opposite side of the stranger. She could smell its fear, the realization set in that it likely wasn’t going to live through this encounter. She put on an extra burst of speed, slamming into the calf’s legs to further unbalance it, and down the critter stumbled to the earth. “Go for it!” She called to the man before aiming to leap onto the thing to keep it pinned down. The last thing this stranger needed was this calf kicking at him as it tried to get up and he tried to go or the kill.


Tracked and killed any medium prey animal (Young Elk) - 2 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'