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[ x-large hunt! ]



2 Years

08-24-2022, 12:08 PM
Unbreakable Survivor

The racing festival had come to an end and so the sun-kissed youth had begun her long trek back to the island nation of Ashen. The youth was reinvigorated, a bounce to her step that hadn’t been there before the festivities she had participated in. Though Ciannait’s plan was to return to the islands of her new home, the girl’s lust for adventure caused her to take a detour. Though the yearling was part of Ashen, Cian found herself missing the life of a wanderer. Despite the challenges her old life had forced upon her, the striped she-wolf had enjoyed traveling, and still did.

Instead of heading directly home, slender limbs shifted further eastward. She scented salt upon the air, and wondered if there was another ocean much like the one which her island home was located. Curiosity drove the youth forward, and soon she was upon what appeared to be a delta. The winds blew richly sea scent air which Ciannait found quite pleasant. The earthen toned youth stood motionless for a moment, the oceanic breeze brushing through her pelt. It was then that a call rose into the air. It was a call for help, but didn’t seem extremely urgent, simply an invitation.

Cian moved to answer the call, scenting others upon the wind. Soon the youth stumbled upon a blood trail, head lowered to inspect it. It seemed recent enough, and the cloven hoof tracks spoke of a similar tale. Whatever had created them was wounded, and recently. Perhaps the gathering scents were converging on this wounded creature, to take advantage of its weakness. Two-tones limbs continued onwards, tracking the trail, pausing only when the creature crossed water and became harder to trace.

Eventually the yearling of Ashen found several other wolves gathered, most of which Ciannait failed to recognize. A couple held the scent of pack, one of her own pack, but another carrying a pack scent she did not know. Others were loners, so the youth had figured that this was not a pack hunt which had strayed far from their lands, but rather a hunt open to those willing to help as the earlier call had suggested. Turquoise lenses glanced at the she-wolf with ram horns, recognizing her as the lady Ciannait had asked to be her hunting mentor during the previous pack meeting. Though the woman hadn’t given her an answer then, Cian nodded to the more experienced huntress before taking in the wounded creature which limped along the delta. ”Looking for another to join? I could help out if you guys still need it,” Ciannait said in lowered volumes so as not to startle the already shaken beast before them.

OOC || Hunt Extra-Large Prey: 1/3
