
Yo Momma



10-11-2013, 10:21 PM

The resemblance between he and her offspring was visually slim, thought she saw much of the same behavior in them both. He would bound around her own slower pace happily while they conversed. ?I see. Well that?s good. Being lost is no fun, I?ve been lost before and lemme tell you I?ve managed to lose fleas faster than I?ve ever managed to figure out where I am.? She would let out an unashamed giggle at the humorous comment, she had only been so lost once in her life, "The only time I was that lost was right before I joined my pack." She would barely finish before he excitedly continued ?But hey! Home?s a great place to be heading! And you won?t be distracted for long since you?re going to meet them!? She would pick up on the emotion in his voice, who was this wolf? As she finished her introduction he would suddenly halt his feet finding their way into a knot.
Song would stop as soon as she took the information in, she hoped the poor boy was alright. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" She would pad around to his side, hoping to help him to his feet. ?O-Oh, you?you?ve got a pretty name. Do you sing?? He would say with a wince, there was something wrong physically and maybe even mentally. Had her name somehow caused him to stumble? The man would take only a few steps and she could see him give a slight limp. "You've done something to your paw! May I see?" She would gently ask for his limb as she managed to answer his question, "And thank you, I'm glad you like it." She'd give him another gentle smile, "I don't really sing to anyone but my children." Song would attempt a better look at his wound as she repeated herself, "What's your name?"
