
hits like a (moving) van

[ audra ]



4 Years
Dire wolf
08-24-2022, 03:22 PM
She sits, and he noticed it is a calm motion. Then... everything truly was fine? She would not look so calm if she was in trouble, surely. Audra is quick to add confirmation. He nods, mulling over what he knew. Menagerie had moved to the ship he had seen with Beauregard. Good. It was nicely sheltered and full of interesting things. It would make for a good base for their budding guild. She directed the question back to him though, and he furrowed a brow somewhat.

Only somewhat, as if confused and wondering how to answer. Really thinking about it. "I don't think Valhalla is fer me" he would tell the woman honestly. But he kept the fact that not many of the Valhallians had approached him, wanted to get to know him. They kept themselves scarce or in family units, mostly. Apart from a few, he could name on one paw... He didn't feel like it was home. "I ain't keen to keep to the land most times." Wolves wandered, true, but not as much as him.

He wondered if Ardyn would keep true to his promise; to let him go. "I"ll be askin' to leave come summer" he told Audra with a gentle shrug "I, er, prefer the north." He gazed around at the location, wondering if he could settle here to be close to wolves he did know. Beauregard, Voodoo, Audra... He tried not to let his mind wander too much now. The fresh greenery even in the early stages of spring was still better than in most northlands. The walls wouldn't feel closed in either. He preferred a wall to open spaces, as Valhalla lived in.

"Came to scout a few places to settle" he added "and see ye, of course" he nodded, his eyes back to her "maybe 'nother pack, but I also ain't keen to settle into one soon after Valhalla."

3/3 - explore gale gorge