
Is it something to do with where I come from

Joe / Shelby


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-24-2022, 09:46 PM
Ezra was making his usual rounds on the pack borders with Canis trailing closely behind and his armor strapped on around his chest. He didn't have the spiked paldrons on, but he did usually wear his armor while on patrols since it wasn't all that uncommon to cross paths with intruding predators that liked to sneak across and try to get to their alpacas. That didn't seem to be a problem today though and his patrol had been entirely uneventful and boring—at least until he heard a mildly familiar voice calling from the borders. His ears perked up at the sound and for a moment he wondered if it was actually his cousin or not. Since they had only met the one time her voice alone wasn't super familiar to him, but it was familiar enough to make him take note of it and he hurried off in that direction to see if he was right, hopeful that Memento had actually taken him up on his invitation.

Following the border, he eventually came around to where he saw Artorias standing across from his cousin and a grin pulled across his lips. His guess was right after all! He could see Art was already introducing himself and doing his usual alpha-like introductions as he approached so he didn't interrupt, but he did trot over to join in beside his best friend and gave Memento a welcoming smile. "Memento! You made it!" He glanced over at Art, saying, "Art, this is my cousin, Memento Mori. We ran into each other a little while ago and I invited her to come visit the castle." Turning his pale gaze back to the golden-marked woman across from them, he let her do her own introductions or requests or whatever usually happened at this kind of things. Just like Memento, he was sure his own father had at one point hoped he'd aspire to leadership or something like that, but he was more than happy leaving that kind of thing to Artorias. His friend had a good aptitude for it anyway.

"Ezra Adravendi"