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Ikigai, Venom, Deimos



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-24-2022, 11:38 PM

Her mother leaned into her and Iki leaned right back. The kiss to her cheek was met with a smile, though there was a bit of sadness in the young woman's pale eyes. This was the closing day of one chapter of her life and the beginning of another. It was daunting and exciting all at once. From here in Elysium, she could do so, so much for the Empire. That was why she was making this sacrifice. For family. For honor.

Deimos returned, sort of, but nodded and left. The pallid fae arched a brow, her gaze shifting to Manea as the large purple woman returned. The shock of her next statement was evident on the faces of both Ashen wolves, though they were both quick to recover. As her mother spoke, Ikigai took a moment to breathe and quickly go over her thoughts. Poe had been promised, and while he was blood, he was a cousin. Thin blood. Deimos was direct kin to Manea. Her brother. As Venom pointed out, her older brother. His age didn't matter. Thicker blood meant thicker ties. Thicker ties meant a stronger alliance.

The attention soon moved back to the Ashen princess and she kept her face blank, not giving away anything that might be flashing through her mind. Snake slit eyes fixed upon the face of her new alpha and Ikigai nodded. "If you believe that this is the best course of action, then I accept." Outside she was cool and collected. Inside, her stomach was tight and wrenching. He had asked for her. Poe had just been part of the deal, but Deimos had specifically asked for her. Iki wasn't sure how she felt about that just yet. She hoped that there would be time for her to process it.

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]