
Mummy's And How To Make Them

Iki, Scylla, Keelin, Irilyth Healing Lesson



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-25-2022, 12:21 AM

The blue jerks reprimand was met with a curled nostril and a narrowing of mismatched eyes. Who did he think he was? She was here to watch, observe and learn. Scylla hadn't signed up for a demonstration and to share with the class. Healing wasn't even something that she wanted to do!

Keelin defended Scylla's glare and the slate colored girl flashed a grin, staring pointedly at Ricin. Her work was done well, she knew. Yeah, she'd made the bandages tight, but if he'd actually been broken, that's how it needed to be done. So there.

Then it was time for her to undo someone else's work. Now, how could she make him pay? Rising from her fur, Scylla made her way up to where the blue boy lay still slightly incapacitated. Making a show of it, she tilted her head back and forth, drawing out the inevitable. She'd have to untie him and let him loose. "The bandages are much too loose. They need to be significantly tighter in order to keep the bone from jostling out of alignment, thus creating more pain for the patient in the long run. Resetting a bone doesn't tickle."

Taking the bandages between her paws, Scylla untied the knot, almost gentle in her approach. When she went to remove the sticks that had been used as bracers, however... One of them magically flew out of her paw and made a beeline for Ricin's face. Whether it smacked him in the nose or between the eyes, Scylla didn't know. The girl's eyes went wide and a paw moved up to cover her mouth in mock embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to look at that?" Of course he wouldn't. Inside, the blue girl was laughing her tail off.


Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]