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[ x-large hunt! ]


08-25-2022, 01:21 AM

Others came. After they were all gathered and each gave their name in turn Ruu spoke up. “Ngurulivu Ancora-Desorosiers.” She chuckled. Her name was… a mouthful and a half from her first name to last. “Call me Nuru though, save yourselves some trouble.” After introductions were over her gaze focused on Tallulah as a game plan was laid out. Cool, so she was going to be one of the ones cutting it off before they all attacked it and tried to bring it down. Worked for her. She was the oldest one here but it felt natural to rely on Tallulah. The girl had some serious hunting prowess after all.

Wasting no time she started to circle around, trying to move in an opposite pincher than Vulcan and Ciannait took. If they all came in together they would be able to get it no problem, she felt. She moved quickly, paws treading across the ground with ease, as she hurried to get into position while the chasers moved their position. It wouldn’t take long for the beast to get to running, no doubt with the three at its heels, and Ngurulivu broke into a run, circling inward to help with her part of the job.

Fangs flashed and a snarl bubbled up in her throat as she boldly leaped before the prey animal to assist in cutting off its path, barking and leaping to the side to prevent what was thought to be an easy exit. The buffalo snorted, slowing to a stop as each hunter moved into place. And once they were all ready Ngurulivu would be leaping at the animal to do some damage.


Extra-Large Hunt (Water Buffalo) - 2 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'