
never more


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
08-25-2022, 09:36 AM

Nighttime had become her waking hours as she left the confines of the maze. Carrying her northwest of their territory toward the towering oaks, Tenshi enjoyed the scenery. Trees as old as the land she walked on spread out in a wall before her. Terrifying and enticing all the same, she entered without hesitation. Silence steps carried her over boulders and under fallen logs as she listened to her surroundings. The common chittering of bats, the scurry of nighttime mammals, and their beady eyes that peered at her from every corner. The mountain woman felt surrounded and alone all at the same time.

Moving effortlessly down a worn path, she was made to pause when something caught her eye. Gleaming with dew as shafts of moonlight lay upon it from the canopy, a somewhat rare plant grew. It was not often she came across a tropical plant such as the Kava but she was pleased about it either way. Stepping off the path to get closer to the wide-leafed plant, she reached out to take one from its stem. As her paw went to grab, she heard the crunch of paws against deadfall. Lifting her gaze as her muscles tensed, she scented the air quickly.

Tojo-kai, but a member she had yet to meet in person. Waiting cautiously, she watched as the pink lady came closer. Not wanting to disturb her pack mate at first, Tenshi went back to gathering the Kava. Just a few leaves at first to make sure that she wouldn't have a reaction to it. Once they were safely stowed in her pack, she cast another glance at the pink koi. Something about the expression on her face caused concern in Tenshi. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly, but loud enough for Yaeume to hear her.