
Our Place

Bronze <3



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
08-25-2022, 09:48 AM
All things considered, Bronze was a lucky man. He knew where his parents were, even in their reclusive old age, And while he didn't necessarily know where all of his siblings were at this exact moment at least he knew they were alive and well, surviving - and hopefully thriving even better than he was - on their own. He knew things could be worse for him, so complaining about the state of his life seemed foolish, even if he had been feeling a bit restless and underwhelmed with things in his own life lately.

Once he began to speak he found himself worried he was saying too much. As a wolf of generally few words he liked to pick and choose them carefully, and babbling about something that another deemed useless didn't settle well with him. But thankfully Silent didn't seem to react like that. If anything she seemed curious about what he was saying, even a bit interested. His own ears flicked forward as she spoke up, confirming that she shared similar thoughts. If she was thinking the exact same thing as he was though, he was less certain. He paused, clearing his throat before he spoke again.

"I noticed a pack recently claimed the woodlands just south of here. I've been wondering if I ought to see what they're all about." Maybe it'd lead to nothing at all. He was fully prepared for that possibility. But maybe, just maybe, it'd end up being a place he could call home. At least it felt like it didn't hurt to explore a possibility, even if the wolf he'd been just a few months prior may not have ever considered such a thing. "You're welcome to join me - to see what they're like. I mean, if you want to," he clarified quickly.