
guess who's back

[ bel, gav, saga ]


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
08-25-2022, 10:04 PM

She had stuck to Bellamy's side like glue, going wherever she and Gavroche went. For all Saga knew anymore, Bellamy was starting to feel like she was her mother now. Though Saga had yet to tell her that because she didn't know how to put the words together to express it the way she wanted it. She could talk, yes, but she was still a child. A baby. Her kind developed at a slower pace than wolves. Where they'd be running and jumping, she was still figuring out how to keep her feet beneath her. The pale, periwinkle-painted cub waddled along with her wolf kin and when they got to wherever it was they were going, the ragtag group would stop. Saga peered curiously at the brown wolf creature, but being so young, it was hard to keep her attention with boring adult talk.

While the adults talked, Saga played behind Gavroche and Bellamy, lightly batting and prodding at their companions as they entertained her. She rolled on the ground with them, kicking up any snow or dirt that was there until her coat had dirtied enough that it warranted a bath. Round ears occasionally twitched to the adults, but their conversation was too dull to be interesting. That is, until she heard her name. She had just leaped at one of Gav's companions before practically faceplanting and rolling forward before she stumbled back to her paws and looked at the brown wolf. "Saga trickster? What is?" She questioned. Despite her young age, the accent of her kin was present. A thick Norse accent already present.
