
guess who's back

[ bel, gav, saga ]



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-26-2022, 01:03 AM

Bellamy did not flinch away from Wren’s words. “I can not blame you for feeling unnerved. From the standpoint of a normal wolf what I did was surely untasteful.” Bellamy spoke calmly, not trying to find an excuse for what she did. “I spoke what I felt was the truth, to someone who deserved it, and I will own up to the fact that it was not necessarily... right.” The woman drew in a breath. “It could have been handled better, but no wolf is perfect, Wren. Not that I will justify what I’ve done, or why I did it, but I am flawed. I’ve accepted this fact.” She lifted her gaze to the alphess.

“Believe me when I say I hope to leave that situation behind Ignis and myself. I do not start fights over petty arguments and have only ever chosen to resort to that level of violence in defense of myself or my loved ones when I was savagely attacked.” Ignis had truly meant to do serious harm again. She might have mocked him but he did not need to lash out with that level of aggression either. There were things both of them could have done better. Neither of them was innocent in the matter.

“...and I intend to respect your wishes. However, I am only capable of trying, Wren.” She spoke honestly. While she would try to make a conscious effort not to hurt anyone to that degree she could not deny there might arise a situation where she slipped into that level of violence. Especially if a wolf sought to maim Gavroche or one of her children, adopted or not. She would not let a wolf go unpunished that would seek to hurt the innocents of her family. It would be denying everything she was. She could forgive transgressions against her… but them? Never.

“I understand the consequences should I lash out. I assure you that if there ever comes a day it happens, it would not be done lightly. Divinities willing, the day will never come, and Menagerie will be a good fit for us. So… I agree to your condition.” In-Fighting wouldn’t be a problem. She doubted there would be darker wolves here in Menagerie. Wolves who would openly and seriously harm her family. The woman shifted her attention to the little cub as she got involved, hearing her name and piping up. Bellamy leaned over, nosing the girl behind the ears before chuckling softly.

“It’s a rank, sweetheart. Every creature in a pack has one, big and small. So you’d be with the other little ones, a Trickster, that’s your rank until you get old enough to become someone’s apprentice and get a new rank.” Bellamy couldn’t help but notice how dirty the little cub had become already. A quick glance at Ears and Whiskers, who had been keeping the young polar bear busy, and she saw they were dirty as well. Bellamy shook her head with wonder. “You’re all going to need a good bath tonight. Look at how much dirt you’ve got in your fur already!”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.