
hits like a (moving) van

[ audra ]



4 Years
Dire wolf
08-26-2022, 12:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 12:23 PM by Torben. Edited 1 time in total.)
Huh? What? Huuuuuh? Torben's eyes widened as she placed a paw on her muzzle, silencing him briefly. Was she laughing? Giggling? It wasn't that that made him a bit more flustered than perhaps he should be. It was her offer that he could stay in her room. He felt heat in his cheeks that she could perhaps even feel, radiating from him in waves. "Oh, err." Wasn't that a bit forward? Audra didn't seem the type to be, but he didn't know her well enough to call her on that. Torben wasn't even aware he slept with another woman due to drug influence. If he... no. He shouldn't even step into that mindset. He wasn't the type of man to do that.

She was very, very pretty but he... did not sleep willy nilly with ladies. "I would, yes" Torben focused on what she had asked first before slowly reaching around to what she offered "I'm... bad at this." he admitted, looking down only to see her staring up at him. He puffed his cheeks out, trying to remain calm despite the jolt of electricity. Staring at her singular amber eye was easier than staring at two pretty eyes. It'd be a double shot of fluster, and he could only hand one! She even moved close enough to touch. He chalked it up to her thinking he was no threat to her being. That was good.

He could and should focus on that, even if it was hard with his long puffy north fur blowing a bit toward her, tickling. "Ye ain't makin' it any easier" he pointed out, amused and also embarrassed "stayin' in a lady's room? That ain't very gentlemanly" he mused "what would yer pack think? I... I don't wanna get ya into trouble, Audra..." Or make them sour their opinion of her! He tilted his head, though not averse to the idea by all means. It felt good when a woman actually paid you attention back, but he wasn't going to take advantage of it.