
Don't be thinking we're crazy, crazy




6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
08-26-2022, 06:53 PM

Zagan had left Aerie lands for the first time in what felt like forever. Or rather...the area where they usually stayed. Things were different now that they were a band, so he didn't exactly have borders to patrol or people to chase out (not that anyone bothered to bother Aerie very much to begin with). He was tired of the quiet life Aerie had. He wanted something...more. Something exciting. Something that was worth it. He had no idea what that was, but the dull and quiet life definitely wasn't for him. Weren't the Abraxas supposed to be great? Conquering the mortals that plagued the lands or something? So much for that. He hadn't talked to Eli about his feelings about the whole thing, but Eli would probably consider it as no big deal. He wasn't sure. Zagan hardly talked to anyone since his mother died, and that included his own estranged littermate. Iroh was gone. Good riddance he supposed. Him and his stupid teapot. One less wolf to worry about, right?

He had made it to a strange cavern and had gone to explore its depths. He had heard about this crypt from Ina...and so he thought it wise to leave some sort of trail by way of carving some shallow markings into the ground so he could find his way back out when he was done checking things out. It was dark down here, yes. But when he heard a voice echoing around him, he had become somewhat familiar enough with the place to be able to at least find where the source was coming from, or close to it. "Welcome to the Crypt." He said gruffly as he approached from another room, dark pelt nearly blending in with the shadows. He eyed the stranger, noting the impressive-looking markings upon his form. He was no Abraxas, he was sure.

"It's unwise to come here without a plan. You might very well be the warrior that gets buried here." He growled, approaching just close enough for the little bit of light to show his face.

WC: 862/1,500
