
ain't doing it for a round of applause

[ akuma, seasonal ]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 07:55 PM
He'd been wandering around the den for a bit since Mom had taken off all of a sudden. Eraithus was still around, probably chasing after his other siblings, but Akuma was interested in running off right now when he was too busy wondering where the hell mom had gone off to. He was very tempted to go after her, to try and follow her scent, but he probably wouldn't make it far before something distracted him, he was sure. Pacing back and forth, he lashed his little tail a few times before stopping to run at the nub on his forehead. It had been getting pretty itchy, and whatever he had there was slowly starting to peek out the older he got. He groaned as the itchiness eventually subsided, and he couldn't wait till this thing finally came through enough to where it wouldn't itch so dang bad.

He heard rustling in the den, followed by some other things as well as his brothers shouting for something to go away. Tilting his head, he was curious to know what his brother was doing in the den. So quietly, he made his way to sit at the entrance, watching in silent amusement as Imp took it out on the buzzing flies that plagued their den because of all the bones and uneaten food that had been left. He always found it a nuisance, but his other siblings were pigs. So he had given up trying to keep things clean. If that's how they liked to live, fine. He'd eventually find his own den when he was big enough to do so. Besides, he hated being butted up against so many bodies. It didn't matter how big mom and dad tried to make the den, it was still too crowded for him.

Imp spotted him finally, exclaiming that he was cleaning and that mom would be back soon. Akuma wondered..."Hope so. I wonder where she went, she left pretty fast, no?" Whatever it was, must've been important. "Do you want some help?" Might as well, right? It's not like he had anything better to do. He walked in, scraping together some bones with his talons into a smaller pile so that he could shove them out when he was done.

WC: 622