
At the waters edge


08-26-2022, 08:16 PM
This was working well enough, Alaois thought. He had dodged the beast, thankfully, and had spun to face the grizzly once more. He remained calm, and collected, with no special tools or companions to assist him in fighting. He didn’t even have a mutation that could be used for battle as the stranger did, but that did not worry the man. If he could prove himself without such means it meant so much more. He drew in a breath, counting on the other wolf to take the opening to get to the bear and make an attack… as he did.

The other man must have hit a leg or something. He could smell the metallic scent of blood enter the air as he moved to circle back behind the bear as its focus shifted on the other male. Good, good. It was swinging toward the other aggressor, its heavy breathing, grunts, and growls filling his ears. Alaois growled himself, aiming to make a ballsy move. It would get the bear’s attention back on him but also put him at risk if he were to slip and fall off. Ah well, what was life without a little risk?

Alaois broke into a run and leaped for the bear’s back. His claws found purchase in thick fur as his jaws sought the base of the beast’s neck. He tasted blood a heartbeat later, the rich, metallic and gamey liquid running into his mouth freely. He clamped down hard, earning him a roar of rage as the bear made to rear up in an attempt to dislodge him. Alaois’s claws dug in as he kept clamping down, aiming to keep going until he cause the beast to shift, possibly paralyzing it if he was lucky. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hang on while it thrashed, but the man was going to do his damndest to do so.

At least with his jaws here the bear’s head was more in his control, and it was more interested in dislodging the wolf on its back rather than focusing on the other one that had just harmed it. They just had to keep going, and they’d have the larger predator down in no time.


Fought a large predator (Grizzly Bear) - 2 / 3