
Not My Brother Bear

Predator fight


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
08-26-2022, 08:49 PM

Tenshi would not blame the girl for freezing in fear. The first time she had ever encountered a beast this large, she herself had nearly gotten killed in the process. A good thing about Grizzlies was that they were slow and somewhat stupid. Easily distracted and always one step behind its faster attackers, Tenshi pulled away as her horns sunk into its flesh. Listening to the deafening roar as she quickly folded her ears against her crown, she shot a glance at the girl to ensure she hadn't been knocked unconscious.

Pleased that the girl had gathered her wits when a hawk came crashing onto the scene to once against distract the bear, Tenshi rounded to the other side. Keeping her center of balance lower to the ground to avoid being decked by a paw, she lunged in closer. Muzzle closer to the ground, head tilted to the side, she aimed to get a good bite on the bear's opposite ankle. Groans and fierce roars made the ground tremble as blood began to seep into the grass. Thankful that the companion had come to help, she wondered for a brief moment where hers ought to be.

Keeping her focus on the issue at hand, Tenshi reeled back. Coiling her muscles to prepare for another lunge, she went in for the thigh. Slow and steady to continuously injure the bear would be their best option. Its fur and skin would be too thick to pierce fast enough for a quick kill. Yet, if they could make it bleed out they could surely be successful.

large predator fight (Grizzly) - 2/3