
Little Purple Stars

Healing prompt Spring, Y18 [Florian]


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-26-2022, 08:54 PM
Phantom quite liked the North. But he had to admit, flowers and plants he could find and test was hard to come by. He had found a cluster of purple flowers (purple saxifrage) nearby, but they seemed to mostly grow on rocks...luckily, there was a small cluster of rocks just outside of pack borders. And while he knew he wasn't supposed to go beyond at his age, he didn't really have a choice. He didn't want to ask anyone to move the rocks into the territory because that just sounded dumb. So of course, he stepped past the pack lines and headed straight to the cluster he had found a few days ago. It was still within eyeshot of the borders sort of...or at the very least, earshot. He was sure that if something were to happen, someone would hear and come running. But the ghoulish little boy didn't quite care enough to respect the fact he shouldn't be out here at all. The purple flowers were calling, and he wanted to move them closer so he could check them out better once they were fully bloomed. He didn't know what they were called yet, but he was sure he'd figure it out someday.

When he got to the cluster, inspected it with care. Little purple blooms were present, the stems underneath growing tightly together like a mat. He walked around it, checking it out from every angle as he looked for a way he could move at least some of it without damaging such a small plant. He needed it to survive, otherwise, he would be wasting his time. His claws were blunt though, and he was sure that at his age, he didn't exactly have the coordination to surgically remove this thing from the ground without some help...hmm...what do....

WC: 301/1,500