
I just need the skills

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-26-2022, 09:01 PM

This was the second time Memento Mori had been to the Boneyard. She had never been to the main battlefield of Boreas but the woman was sure she wasn’t missing much. A battlefield was a battlefield, though this one did have an eerie feel. The bones were unsettling, even as Meme came back alongside Rein and Jacques to search for a new wolf to spar with. She wasn’t sure if the fight would be as interesting as her fight with Tenshi but that was alright. Every fight, and every fighter, was different and each one had something new to teach you if you were willing to pay attention to the lesson.

A call sounded across the Boneyard and Memento Mori paused, ears twitching. Well, there was the call of one she could find and challenge. A willing sparring partner was always welcome, especially since she wanted to sharpen her own skills. The femme glanced at each of her companions before her tail swished thoughtfully back and forth. “Right then. Shall we boys?” The woman set off at a jog to the one who called.

When the trio approached her Meme noticed a couple of things about the woman. First and foremost she was of a lighter coloration, as well as seemed to be just a little shorter than she was. She also appeared to have a companion in the large bird circling above them. The species didn’t look like something she’d expect to be flying around here. Memento Mori dipped her head to the other woman, noticing something else. Familiarity of a pack scent. It was a shot in the dark but…

“Are you from the Hallows?” Meme asked. “Sorry, that's probably not the best question to start with. I have family in the Hallows and you smell similar. I was curious.” She offered a small smile. “If you’re looking for a sparring partner I am willing to be your opponent. The name’s Memento Mori. You are?”


473 / 1,500 Words

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.