
Not My Brother Bear

Predator fight


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
08-26-2022, 09:01 PM

The other woman seemed to have experience with this sort of thing, or at least that's how it appeared to Claire. She had only ever fought one other grizzly before this, and that one she had fought with a packmate after catching it unawares. But this one? It had found her. It didn't seem happy at all, and she didn't know if it was because she was maybe trespassing on its territory or what, but had it not been for the antlered woman, she would've probably gotten seriously injured, or perhaps even dead.

The larger woman came around to join her in the back, hitting the other ankle as well as the bear's thigh. The bear roared in pain as the wolves assaulted it, making it bleed as they shredded its hindlegs. She didn't know if they should kill it or not, but whatever the decision was, she was fine with that. After all, if the bear was aggressive from the start, who was to say the next wolf coming through wouldn't get killed by it? It was a problem, and probably better to deal with it now than deal with it again later. Releasing her hold on its ankle, she mirrored Tenshi as she too went for its thigh. Though a little further down closer to the knee, keeping her weight centered and lowered as the bear twisted and turned trying to reach them, it was too slow and too fat to get at them from where they were. It was likely the wolves would succeed, tire it out before it bled out. And as they attacked and tore into it, she could see and smell the blood that stained the grass.
