
Little Purple Stars

Healing prompt Spring, Y18 [Florian]



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

6 Years
08-26-2022, 09:29 PM

The Northern territories were home to the man. He had mostly been staying in the Red Forest but something still called him back to the Pines. They had been home, and though there was now a pack border around the area, Florian could not help but stray somewhat close. He longed for the days of Winterfell, even questioned if they really should have ever left… but… Florian let out a small sigh. He missed the family, and the unity they had as a whole. Sure he still had Ngurulivu, but even now she was out goodness knew where. She was more often than not wandering throughout Boreas on her own, leaving him to his own devices. It started to get a bit lonely… but Flo wanted to see her happy. Even if that meant he was alone.

He was still somewhat close to the borders of the pack when he caught the scent of a… pup? What was a pup doing out by the borders? He checked the scent again, noticing that there didn’t seem to be an adult scent mingling with that of the pup. He breathed a small sigh. He couldn’t just ignore this information. He padded along, his ears perked forward, as he sought to find the source of the scent. He wasn’t sure what sort of kid he’d find but he couldn’t leave them alone.

Florian didn’t have to travel much further before he found a kid. The young one was dark with black furs and dark eyes. Goodness, was the kid melanistic? Florian had never met a melanistic creature before, it was kind of neat. He approached the kid slowly, not wanting to startle him.

“Hello there.” Florian said softly to the kid. It seemed the young one was pretty focused on some rocks and a glance at them revealed that there were flowers growing among them. Huh, curious. Purple saxifrage, if he remembered correctly. He couldn’t recall a medical use for the plant off the top of his head but they were pretty. “Examining the flowers, huh? They’re pretty, aren’t they? Are you hoping to bring some back closer to your pack?”


659 / 1,500 Words

"Talk, 'Think.'