
Stretch those legs




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-27-2022, 10:59 AM

She was pleased to see Artorias had taken her words to heart. She felt there was something of an innate ability in the way she could piece together the right words for almost any situation or context. Every wolf had their own way of providing reassurance, but from what she was told, her ability to support others in the pack was something of a gift, in and of itself. So, upon seeing that her words had weight, that they meant something to someone as important as the Aegis..that meant a lot to her. She wondered how many leaders considered their lower ranking members' words like him. They continued onward, hearing creatures rustle through bushes and birds flitter amongst the ceilings of the trees. Her ears remained perked, ruby gaze wide open and taking in the sights of the calm woodland with the wonder of a child. Exploring felt so freeing. When she had been alone - before joining the Hallows - she had wanderlust, but it was brimmed with pain and fear. Fear that she would succumb to the elements of Northern Boreas, or be crushed by some stronger loner who deemed her easy prey. It took a toll on her, physically and mentally. But the pack gave her a place to recover her mindset, return to her warm-hearted self. And she enjoyed traveling again, without the anxiety that it had given her all those years ago.

Art mused aloud that her belief in the pack meant more than she knew. Her smiled widened, creasing the edges of her eyes. Barely six years of age, and already the faintest peppering of white was emerging on her snout. But her expression was youthful and happy as ever. Traversing new lands was something she'd desperately needed after all those seasons. "I'm glad to hear that," She replied simply, but the kindness of her tone always stayed.

It wasn't long that they'd been back to exploring the ravine's woodlands that Artorias spoke again. Lae's ears perked as she turned her head to face him, while still careful to pick up her feet where gnarled roots lay precariously in their path. She was their only Scholar..that she knew. Most of the other pack members were warriors, hunters, and Sota was a scout, too. He glanced at her as well, a raised brow upon his face as he asked what she'd like to do with her rank. Truthfully..she hadn't considered it all that deeply. She just helped others as she saw fit, but she supposed that wasn't an official tie to her rank but moreso an extension of her generous nature. He mentioned inter-pack relations and diplomacy - all new and foreign concepts to her. She'd never believed she'd be offered a chance to work with other packs, much less in political realms. He mentioned Briar, his wife, and she smiled yet again. Briar was very nice to work with from when they'd interacted before..bright and full of amazing ideas for improving the pack. Perhaps Lae had to consider that. "Briar is a wonderful wolf to work with, she's very kind-hearted too," She said. "I'm honored you'd consider me a diplomat..perhaps I need to consider it as part of my duties." With a pause, she glanced up as a bird flew just above their heads, feathers scattering as the avian creature soaring sharply into the trees above. "I've been told by others in the pack that I have a knack for providing emotional support as well. I guess you could say its a healing approach but for the mind, rather than the body. Though, I'm not sure that has ever been anyone's specialty as a Scholar before." Would being a therapist of sorts for wolves even be feasible? Maybe providing diplomacy and managing relations between packs would be a better role. But she'd inquire anyways, seeing if Artorias would approve of such a service being fitting for her role in the pack.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.